Chapter 10

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Adrien's P.O.V.

In his years as Paris' superhero, Adrien had seen many interesting akumatizations, but this one was quite on another level. Flabbergasted, the newly formed duo stared at what appeared to be an army of over-dimensional snails. Tall as houses, these colossals crawled over Paris' streets, their lower tentacles dragging on the ground, leaving trails of green slime behind them, as they slowly made their way towards the Eiffeltower.

"Gross." Chat shivered, slightly freaked out.

"Well, apart from their slick slime they don't seem so bad. Kind of cute, actually."

"Excuse you??" Chat Noir stared at her, open-mouthed. Sandra snapped his mouth shut with her forefinger delicately placed under his chin.

"I'm just kitten." She winked, making Adrien melt a little more. He wanted to savour the moment a bit longer, but Sandra had already started off in hot pursuit.

"I don't think the villain is a snail. There's got to be someone commanding them! We need to get as close as possible. Good thing snails have poor eyesight, we can just move over the rooftops without them noticing," she called behind her.

Groaning slightly, Chat jumped after her, maybe she was just a little too good with this superhero business. She had adapted so fast, the civilians her top priority, that he had to admit, he was a little in awe of her.

Following the river Seine to the west, they crossed a bridge to get to Paris' biggest tourist attraction: the Tour Eiffel. The skeletal monument looming in the distance, Chameliona and Chat Noir came to a stop on one of the buildings closest to the tower.

"The park around the tower might just prove to be a problem," Chat mused, "there's no way we can cover all that ground without landing at least once or twice. And then we have the snails..."

Sandra was staring at the scene before them, trying her hardest to recall her 10th-grade biology class. "If I remember correctly, snails neither see nor hear very well, but their sense of smell is very pronounced. And no offence, Kitty, but after that Seine bathing earlier you smell a little prominent."

"Purr-haps you could give me a bath later on." He leaned in on her flirtatiously, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Not appropriate, Chat." Splaying her hands on his broad chest, she shoved him back lightly, trying to seem fully composed, but her pink ears gave her away.

"We need a plan. These monstrosities seem harmless, but we'd be best not to alert them anyway, we don't want the villain targeting us."

"If you say so, milady."

"Chat, stop that. You're distracting me."

"Did you just admit that I am irresistible?" That Cheshire grin was back again.

"I- No. No, no, no. You misunderstood me. You stink to high heaven, please get away from me." Adrien only cackled, his heart somersaulting in his chest.

"We'll meet on that big horse chestnut tree," Sandra suggested, pointing to an especially big one only a few meters from the feet of the tower. "We should be able to have a better view from there. Let's try jumping from lantern to lantern?"

Looking down at the frail public lanterns bordering the usually so full 7th Arrondissement, doubt washed over her already. "You know, maybe we shouldn't do that." Chat smirked at her, shaking his head.

"Any better ideas?" Sandra harrumphed, throwing her hands up in despair. "We can't just go sliding over the goo clumsily like freshly birthed penguins."

"Actually, I do." Raising her eyebrows, she prompted him to continue. This sparked an idea in the youngster.

"Let's make this more fun, shall we?"

"Uh, Kitty, I doubt this is the right time –"

Swooping her up in one swift motion, Chameliona found herself lying bridal style in Chat Noirs arms at the edge of a building.

"Do you trust me?"

"Whatever you're about to do, it's bound to be something stupid, Chat, what the heck..." She was staring at the ground fifty feet down, feeling dizzy.

Huffing in annoyance, Adrien interrupted: "Look at me. Do you, or not?"

Turning her head to look into those green orbs of his, Sandra shut up. "I do."

"Good. Ready for take-off?" Adrien took a few steps back, to take a run.

"Not really, Chat, please be reasonab-" Chamelionas words were cut off by the wind, as Chat leapt through the air.

Gasping, Sandras hands fisted onto the material of Chats suit, as she clung to him in despair. Chat Noir whooped in delight as they sailed through the air. With a soft thud they landed, but Sandra refused to open her eyes, her face pressed to the crook of Adrien's neck.

"Are we dead yet?" She asked, voice shaking.

"Of course not, silly." Adrien had proceeded to sit down cross-legged, the girl still clasped tightly to him. "You never struck me as the fearful type. Come on, open your eyes." He coaxed gently, a low laugh rumbling through him.

This seemed to pull Sandra back into reality. Noticing at once she was technically sitting on Chat's lap and still had his arms wrapped around his neck, she shrieked and tried to put some distance between them, rolling backwards.

"That's not a particularly good idea, considering we're travelling on a snail." Sandra had indeed started to slip slowly. Panicking, she tried to grip onto something, anything, to avoid the drop down. Catching hold of Chats tail, she held on for dear life.

Chat quickly lay down on his stomach, reaching out to her with his gloved hand and pulling her up.

"You know, I wish you wouldn't keep doing that. My tail is kind of sensitive." He remarked while settling Chameliona next to him, throwing one arm around her nonchalantly, but eyeing her warily. To his surprise, instead of objecting, the girl relaxed and leaned her head against Chat's shoulder.

"I'm sorry. And I shouldn't have questioned your plan. It was reckless, and don't you ever do something similar again without warning me first," Sandra turned her head up to him, to regard him with scrunched up eyebrows, a silent warning, "but very witty. And we've got a few minutes until we break the cover of the trees to plan what to do, once we see the villain."

Nodding, Chat Noir tightened his grip on her waist.

"By the way, I'm only allowing this," pointing her head to where his hand was resting on her stomach, "because you are quite practical as my personal seat belt, and I don't want to go toppling down again." But Chat could feel her quick pulse through his fingers, matching his own.

"Of course, milady. I would never think anything otherwise." He displayed his most innocent grin for her.

But that comfortable moment was bound to be short-lived.


Word Count: 1134

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