Chapter 9

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Sandra's P.O.V.

The sound of shrieking popped Sandra's bubble of contentment. Turning slightly, mid-sprint over a particularly narrow Parisian building, she caught Chat Noir's eye. Judging from his contorted expression, he could hear it too. Panting, Sandra pushed herself harder, willing her legs to carry her faster. At last, they were close enough to see what looked like the backdrop of some poor quality alien invasion movie.

Green goo covered the streets that lay before them, coating every available surface in sight. And Paris' residents were sliding around on this mysterious substance, calling out to each other, trying to get away, arms waving comically in a windmill-like motion, trying to regain their balance.

What looked amusing at first, turned out to be quite a horrifying scene, with people sliding into the river Seine, unable to climb back out again, the shore being too slippery.

Children, who had been separated from their parents, cried despairingly, sliding in all sorts of directions, while panicked mothers tried to glide over the weird mush like seals. Walking sticks slipped from gnarled fingers, as the elderly slithered around on their bottoms, terror visible in their eyes.

"What on earth?"

She abruptly froze at the view of this apocalyptic scene, and the male superhero bumped into her, with such force, he nearly sent both of them flying onto the green goo below. Chameliona barely managed to grab hold of his belt tale, yanking him back onto the roof, her feet pressed against the rain gutter for leverage.

"Ooooops, not so fast, Kitty. We should take care of the civilians first, before going after the akumatized villain! I suggest we follow the slime trail once we've secured the civilians on nearby rooftops."

"Wow, I was half-joking when I said that earlier, but you really seem to be a born superhero!"

Sandra flashed a mocking smile and dove down gracefully into the chaos waiting for them. Hurling her lasso around any possible jutting-out object, she set to swishing back and forth between houses, letting herself drop low enough to reach out and grab the civilians around the waist, clutching them tightly to her side, before depositing them on the nearest balconies and rooftops.

Chat Noir concentrated on the poor souls struggling with exhaustion in the murky Seine water, a job he wasn't particularly enjoying, due to his cat kwami's dislike of being wet, which rubbed off on Adrien when he was transformed.

Using his stick to vault to the next victim, and the next, he made quick work of reuniting them with their families on Paris' skyline. Volunteers, who had been spared of the trip into the icy water, distributed blankets they had now been able to retrieve from their homes.

A particularly thankful mother grabbed hold of Sandra's hand, as she passed her infant son into her arms.

"Thank you. Thank you so much for bringing back my baby boy. I could see him gliding towards the Seine, and I thought..." The woman burst into tears, holding onto the flustered girl's arm for support. Sandra crouched down, putting a reassuring hand on her arm.

"You don't have to worry anymore. You both are safe now. We seem to have gotten here right on time. Nobody is severely hurt so far. Once Paris is restored by Ladybugs lucky charm, you'll be able to return to your homes and all will be well." The woman nodded, sniffling.

"What is your name, young one?" An old chinese man seated next to the mother asked, watching her intently.

"Chameliona," Sandra replied, surprised to find the wrinkled elder, wearing a red Hawaiian shirt, paired with beige cargo pants and blue espadrilles, smiling knowingly at her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Chameliona. Welcome to the team. I have a feeling you will do a great job"

"I- uh."

"You coming?" Chat called from a few buildings away, giving Sandra an excuse to get away from this very disorientating conversation.

"I'm sorry, I have to go. It was nice meeting you!" She called over her shoulder, slightly unnerved by the man, who seemed to be way too cheerful for this situation. He continued stroking his goatee, looking utterly satisfied.

"What was all that about?" Chat Noir asked Sandra after she had caught up with him and resumed following the path of slime, occasionally sweeping low to gather up stray civilians who had ventured out, despite the warnings that had been passed on in the news about the akuma attack.

"It was nothing. I was just a little overwhelmed," Sandra replied, truthfully enough, deciding on keeping that specific last encounter to herself for now.

"Oh, dear. You're coping so brilliantly, I nearly forgot you're doing this for the first time."

"Thanks, Chat."

"No, honestly. You're doing paw-some." At this, Sandra erupted in laughter, and with it went a little of the weight on her shoulders.

"So you like cat puns, huh? Well, you're in luck, those are my speciality. I have quite a remarkable hiss-tory of being the queen of puns," Sandra chuckled.

"Purr-haps I'll be the first to best you." Chat Noir was grinning from ear to ear, making Sandra's heartbeat quicken.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but you'll always be in-fur-ior to me."

"Ouch, my feeble heart." Chat held a hand to his brow in mock despair, clutching his heart dramatically with the other.

"Toughen up, will you?" Chameliona poked him in the side playfully.

"Ohhhh, you shouldn't have done that. This means war!" As he tried to catch her, Sandra sped up.

"What? Did you say something? I can't hear you? You're wayyy too far away, slowcoach!"

"Just you wait." They continued their race, Sandra slowing on purpose a few times, but just as Chat was about to wrap his arms around her waist to capture her, she slipped from his grasp, making him huff in frustration, an evil grin on his face.

Chat and Sandra were so lost in their flirty banter, they nearly collided with –



Word Count: 1001

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