Chapter 7

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Sandra's P.O.V.

There was no way this could be happening. Sandra was wearing a long lost Miraculous. Chat Noir, this daft bimbo of a cat, looking unforgivably handsome in his black skin-tight leather suit, THE Chat Noir was proposing she should not only wear an ancient magic jewel, but also use it?! This had to be some kind of joke. This day was getting crazier and crazier.

Sandra didn't want to look at the slowly approaching young man, maybe nineteen, twenty years old. She sensed he meant well, but the brunette needed a moment to herself. Closing her eyes, trying to control her hitched breathing, Sandra tried to access the situation in its whole. Maybe this stress was some kind of twisted karma response she deserved, after having spent the last couple of hours imagining Adrien by her side. And now she was already ogling at another man's rippled chest, his muscles clearly showing, despite the thick material of his suit.

Tall, tousled hair, the sweetest smile and muscles that could rival any Greek statue, this boy really was toned. And she could have sworn his breathing had accelerated when he'd put that necklace around her neck.

"Since when am I such an easy catch? I ought to get a grip. I can't keep getting sidetracked by good looking dorks. Come on Sandra, you can handle this."

Blowing out a breath, she opened her eyes again with fresh determination, looking at a slightly worried looking Chat Noir, who had halted a few steps before her.

"Are you alright?" he asked, concern notable in his voice.

"Yes, I'm fine," Sandra replied, offering him a small smile. "Have I understood it correctly, that you want me to activate this Miraculous? I recognize it from the library books, it's the shapeshifting Miraculous, isn't it? Its kwami is a chameleon."

Relief written plainly on his face, Chat Noir retorted: "Exactly so. I cannot give you all the details, most of it is classified information. I'm sorry." Seeing how hard this was for Chat as well, Sandra decided to be more cooperative and take some of that weight off his shoulders. Why she felt the need to do that, she had no idea. But the girl chose to follow her instincts. She gave him an understanding nod, signalling for him to carry on.

"Ladybug is unavailable at the moment, but we need to stop the akuma, and I cannot fight it alone. Paris needs a new superhero!"

"But why me? Won't we need Ladybug to cleanse the akuma?"

"Ladybug said she trusts you, so I will, too."

Sandra looked astonished. She had met Paris' female superhero up close only once, during an akuma attack a few months ago, when she had volunteered to guard a group of children to keep them safe during an attack. Chat Noir she had never met, only seen him in the distance. The superheroes usually didn't hang out with civilians, to make sure their identities were kept safe.

And Sandra had always thought Chat was attractive, but she'd never imagined him having this effect on her in person. She had gotten goosebumps all over, when he had painstakingly made sure that her hair wouldn't get caught up in the clasp of the necklace. Who knew Paris' brawny superhero could be so gentle?

"What the actual frick, Sandra! Just half an hour ago you were imagining yourself married to Adrien, dancing on the banquet floor in his arms, and now you're fawning over a guy who quite literally killed Gilbert the succulent! You can't even stay loyal to your first imaginary boyfriend!"

Chat was looking at her with an intensity that made her squirm, and the girl was unable to read his expression. "There's no way he can read my thoughts, right?"

"Once the fight is over, we will have to meet up with Ladybug, bringing her the akumatized item. Do you feel up to it? There must be a reason Ladybug chose you. We are going to have to rely on her judgement."

Steeling herself, she straightened up and moved away from her wardrobe she had been using as support.

"I do. Tell me what to do, and I'll do everything in my power to help you and Paris."

A confident grin had returned to Chat Noir's face. He seemed to forget what personal space was, for he suddenly came very close, making Sandra's heart skip a beat, as she craned her neck to look him in the eyes brazenly. Sandra wished she could wipe that cocky smile off his face. He knew exactly what he was doing, and to Sandra's dismay, it was working.

Trying to shake off her nervousness, she briskly asked, "So what's the next step? Do I need to change clothes right here?", raising an eyebrow at him and crossing her arms. "Two can play that game, you know." The girl hatched a plan. She was not going to let this stray cat get under her skin. Grinning in satisfaction, she observed how the superhero, clearly caught off guard, stumbled back, a deep blush visible despite his mask.

"No, uh. That was not what I was implying at all. Stay like that, you look great." Noticing her surprised look, he realized his slip once again. "I mean, you'll do great. Uhh." He laughed uncertainly.

Feeling a little bad despite his taunts, she changed the topic: "So, what are the magic words?", one hand on her hip.

"The magic words? You mean please and thank you?" He was clearly not listening, seemingly not having been able to recover from Sandra flirting back.

"No, silly. We need to call the kwami, do we not? Some kind of transformation words?"

"Ah, yes, yes." Chat returned from whatever faraway place his mind had wandered to. "The kwami's name is Cammi, if you call her name, she'll come out of the pendant. If you want to transform, you need to say: "Cammi, colours on!""

"Cammi," Sandra tested the name softly on her tongue. At once, a green female kwami with scaly skin and huge round eyes appeared. Sandra giggled in her delight, as the tiny pear green god flew around her head in joyous circles.

"My name is Cammi, I am the chameleon Miraculous kwami. I can grant you the power of shapeshifting into any living creature for up to fifteen minutes, before you detransform. It works a little like Plagg's cataclysm, Chat Noir's kwami, and you can only use it once per transformation. To start the shapeshift, you need to issue the command: "Metamorphose," and then think of the organism you want to portray. Apart from that, you get a super cool magic lasso! Once you're done, just say "Cammi, colours off!" and you'll detransform," the kwami chuckled.

While Sandra introduced herself to her kwami, Chat Noir checked the time. "I'm sorry to interrupt, Ladies, but we'd best hurry. Ready to transform?"

Taking one last deep breath, Sandra looked at Cammi for reassurance, who gave her a little thumbs-up, as well as that was possible with just two toes per foot.

"Cammi, colours on!"


This is what I imagined Cammi to look like! 

Check out !

com/jcling/art/Miraculous-Kwami-Creator-769989598 !

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Word Count: 1184

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