Chapter 14

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Marinette's P.O.V.

Magic filled the air, as swirls of tiny ladybugs erupted from the lucky charm and dove out of the open window, spreading out all over Paris to clean up the mess Slimer had created. They cured all physical injuries, but not the mental ones. Trauma was something that sadly occurred way too often in Paris since Hawkmoth's dominion, and there was free help and support available for everyone. But some memories never faded, the recollection constantly as horrible as ever.

And Sandra, lying there in Chat's arms, limp like a broken porcelain doll, was something that burned itself behind Marinette's eyelids and was bound to haunt her forever. Both Marinette and Chat Noir were staring at the girl, holding their breaths, not daring to move. Chat's cuts and bruises had disappeared, and even Sandra's skin was as flawless as ever, but she wasn't moving.

"This is all my fault. I am so sorry..." Marinette felt silent tears roll down her cheeks. She carefully slid over on her bum to where Chat Noir was sitting cross-legged, Sandra's head carefully rested in his lap. He was stroking her tousled hair away from her face, mumbling something about princesses and knights, probably more to himself than anyone else.

"No, it's not," he answered after a long pause. "It was mine. She went after Slimer by herself, to protect me. I should have been there, but... I was too weak," Chat breathed. Carefully, Marinette took Sandra's small cooling hand in hers, choking back a sob.

"Tikki, spots off."

"Plagg, claws in."

Plagg, Tikki and Cammi settled down next to them. Cammi had only just woken up from a deep sleep and was currently being comforted by her god friends. She knew there was nothing they could do. For those who died during an attack, there was no salvation.

"I will make him pay for this..." Adrien gritted out. Marinette reached out to touch Adrien's arm, but he flinched away. "I'm sorry," he whispered, reaching out his hand to her. She took it and held on tight.

"She was my best friend too, you know."

"I know. I'm sorry. Something broke inside of me, and I lost control."

Falling silent again, they watched as a stray ladybug landed on Sandra's paling nose. Adrien pulled his best friend closer so they formed a sort of protective circle around the lifeless girl's body. Fresh tears welled in Adrien's eyes, as he watched the ladybug spread its wings and fly off into the distance.

"She was so brave. I have never seen anything like it." Adrien wiped one of his fallen tears from Sandras lips with his thumb. Marinette leaned her forehead against Adrien's, both of them squeezing their eyes shut, as their tears soaked the thin material of Sandras top.

"Paw-don me, I don't mean to interrupt, but I'd rather you not talk about me like I'm not right here."

Gobsmacked, the two drove apart and stared down at Sandra, who's face had regained a little colour. She was smiling at them, a little shakenly. Both Marinette and Adrien rushed forward to grab her, resulting in them all tumbling off the bed, landing in a glorious heap of tangled limbs on the plush carpet.

"Guys, you're squishing me!" Sandra chuckled. Giving her a little more space, they regarded their friend with big eyes. Adrien grabbed hold of Sandra's hand, automatically checking her pulse as if to see if she was really alive, or if he was imagining it. He held her hand to his heart. "Can you feel that? For god's sake, Sandra, don't ever go dying on us again. You nearly killed us in the process!"

Sandra was smiling at him affectionately. "Not if I can help it." She turned to Marinette, smiling shyly. "Hii."

"Oh, shut up. Come here." Marinette pulled the still weak Sandra into her arms. She wrapped her best friend into a big bear hug. "I am so proud of you, you know. And I am so, so glad you're okay! That little Ladybug's kiss on your nose must have saved you." Sandra was nodding into Marinette's shoulder.

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