Chapter 11

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Sandra's P.O.V.

All air was knocked out of Chameliona, as something clammy hit her in the stomach with such force, that she was pushed clean off the snail shell she'd previously been riding on. With a dull thump she hit the ground hard. Everything was spinning, a piercing throb in her head. Sandra fought a wave of nausea that swept over her, trying to cling to consciousness.

Where was Chat Noir? The ghost of his touch still lingered on her waist. Ears ringing, she tried to sit up and slowly her vision came back to her. She was lying on a slime-covered stretch of grass, just a few meters from the Eiffel tower. Chat was nowhere in sight.

Looking up, she spotted a man in a midnight black chef coat with red pearl buttons running down in two neat rows, a gigantic toque perched on short grey hair, black loose pants, and slip-resistant black leather shoes. There was a red apron tied around his waist, and a weird jutting-out object worked into the fabric of his coat, where his heart should have been. Still reeling, Sandra tried to focus on his face. When recognition hit her, she gasped.

"Fidenziano?? What is going on?!"

"I do not answer to that name anymore. My new name is SLIMER! I will never be as weak and useless as my former self. I am the greatest cook alive and I will teach the world to bow before my escargots! Monsieur Aubert will be the first to face my wrath, my beloved snail army is already on its way to retrieve him! You cannot stop me. Bow down before me, and I might consider sparing you."

Sandra could not comprehend what stood so plainly before her eyes. The Desire for Italy's chef, whom she had known as long as she could remember, who had fed her titbits when nobody was looking and had allowed her to make a drum set out of pots and pans, clanking around happily under the kitchen counter, was now looking into her eyes with such pure hate and rage, she struggled to breathe. "I need to find Chat Noir NOW."

"Fidenziano, I don't know what happened, but I promise we can fix it! There is no need to terrorize the city!!" Looking around frantically, she noticed snails slowly rounding in on her. Sandra's heart was beating so fast in her chest, it hurt. What was she supposed to do? She couldn't fight Fidenziano! Speaking of fighting, how did one fight anyway? She had no experience whatsoever. Sandra was scared as hell, there was no use in denying it. But shitting her pants was not an option. Trying to recall Chat saying she was managing perfectly well, she concentrated on breathing, glaring at the advancing snails.

A butterfly mask appeared on Slimer's face, and suddenly he froze, his wicked grin plastered in place. A dark whisper of a voice, not Fidentiano's usual musty Italian drawl, drifted over to her. It was oddly alluring, threatening to take control of her.

"Hello," it whispered, as smooth as a snake, soft as a shadow.

Without meaning to, Sandra replied, all attention fixed on that glowing butterfly mask over Slimer's eyes: "Hello."

"I reckon we haven't met before?"

"No, I don't think we have." Sandra let herself be enveloped by a black cloud, drowning out everything but that voice.

"My name is Hawkmoth. It's a pleasure meeting you. Such an exquisite necklace you have there."

"Oh my! Thank you very much. It was a gift of a friend."

"My darling, you wouldn't mind telling me who gave it to you, would you?"

"No, of course not."

"Well then?" A note of impatience joined the throaty voice.

Something kick-started at the back of Sandras brain, sending a slight spark though her. Suddenly, a notion overcame Sandra in her trance, urging her to resist Hawkmoth's sweet words. She tried to clear her head, shaking it vigorously.

"Come on now, don't make me wait. I do not like my patience to be tested." The voice was growing restless.

"Actually, no. I think I won't."

At this, the black cloud, that had been caressing her softly, seemed to load up with electricity.

"What do you mean, NO? We do not have to fight, just hand me that necklace and you'll be free." A shadowy hand formed out of the cloud surrounding her, gripping her neck. It was blocking her windpipe, the girl noticed, panicking.

"Where is Chat Noir?" She barely managed to croak out, clawing at her captor's hand.

"I have him in my custody. If you give in and join my force, we could rule the world and no one would ever dare defy us. What use is that stray cat, when I can offer you the world?"

All blood was leaving Sandra's head, spots blurred her vision. "Never!", she gritted out between clenched teeth. "Where. Is. Chat. Noir."

"Ah, young love. A lot of fools, you are. My patience has reached an end. Surrender or die!"

Sandra wasn't even listening anymore. Her hands pressed onto her ears, she tried to breathe and concentrate on sunshine, lush fields, freshly baked pizza, and those eyes. Green eyes full of hope and future. She could overcome this. If not for her own sake, then for Chat's, and the rest of Paris'. Ladybug trusted her, and she would not fail her. Forcing her lungs to take deep breaths, Sandra called with her last strength:

"My name is Chameliona. I am stronger than this and I fight for the good. My name is Chameliona. I am stronger than this and I fight for the good. My name is Chameliona. I am stronger than this and I fight for the good."

Blinding light was emanating from the green pendant around her neck, and the veil of shadows released its grip on her. Coughing, Sandra fell forward on her knees, trying to recover from having nearly been choked to death. Hawkmoth was squealing in the distance, his voice still coming out of Slimer's mouth, but Sandra was not listening anymore. As the light burst out in all directions, the shadows erupted into flames and the butterfly mask disappeared from Slimer's face, who was now back in control.

"Snails, I order you to charge!", he yelled, but Sandra was quicker. Throwing her lasso on a nearby branch, she wobbled to her feet, feeling bruises already blooming on her neck, and pulled herself forward, her feet gliding over the snail slime effortlessly. Snails were following her, but Chameliona soon figured out how to use the slippery substance covering the ground to her advantage, gaining speed very quickly, as she swung her lasso around lanterns and stems to pull herself toward them.

She couldn't continue on like this forever though. Where on earth was Chat?


Word Count: 1138

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