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The next morning, I felt much better than yesterday. I haven't mentioned anything about my probe and my first color rush to aunt Aera. Something inside me told me not to tell it to her yet.

"Is everything alright? You look bothered?"

But of course here comes the hard part. Aunt Aera always notice when there's something wrong with me.

"I'm fine."

"So. How was school yesterday?"

I looked at her. She was busy looking in the road.

I finally met my probe and he's a boy. And I experienced my first color rush with him.

Oh how I would love to say it.

"I think this one's better Aunt Aera. I already have friends."

And my probe.

I might spill it in no time. I need to keep quiet.

"You really seemed to be happy with this one huh?"

I glanced at her. And. She's smiling.

"Yeah. I think this is not bad."

"Mmmm. If that's what you say. Then stay for the whole school year okay?"

"I will."

"Alright. You go to class now. Have fun."

I smiled at her before going out of the car.


I looked back.

"I love you."

"I love you too Aunt Aera."

She smiled before she drove off. She can be clingy sometimes too. Maybe because she sees me as her own son. I actually like it. It makes me feel loved.

I entered the room. I'm extra cautious of Sunghoon. I don't want to see him. Nor feel his presence. But that's going to be hard. He's my classmate anyway.

"Good morning Jake~"

"Good morning Joohaeng."

I greeted back. I glanced at the seat behind me.

"Where's Minjae?"

"He's..... Oh there he is!"

I saw Minjae enter the room. I was about to greet him when he suddenly slammed his things on his table. What the?


Joohaeng dragged me outside. Okay. What's happening.

-Warning: It doesn't have any connection to anyone who really have DID.

"I remembered. You're new."


"Minjae has DID."


"What's that?"

Joohaeng looked at me and inside the room.

"DID stands for dissociative identity disorder."


Well. I haven't heard about this one?

"Split personality."

Oh. That makes sense.

"He's just like that. But be calm and let him be. When he talks to you, talk to him. Just let him talk and talk. He's going to be fine after a moment."

I nodded. So now I get it.

"Anyway. Let's go inside. I saw him sat on Sunghoon's seat, maybe he'll talk to me."

"To you?"

"Yeah. Surprisingly enough, he talks to me the most."

I stared at Joohaeng before he walked inside. He's a very reliable friend to Minjae.

I don't have any plans on going inside yet, but when I saw Sunghoon walking towards the room, I changed my mind.

I sat on my chair. And a few moments after, like what I expected, someone is poking on my back.

I took a deep breath. This guy will never stop bothering me.

"What do you want?"

I asked without looking at him. I want to avoid him as much as possible. I need to avoid him.

"No good morning for me?"

I can feel him pouting. Seriously? I turn around. And I met his smiling eyes. I can't see the half of his face, obviously because of the mask.


"Look at this!"

Then he showed me some series of papers. What is this?

"What is that?"

"Come on. This is used for learning colors!"

I stopped. Is he kidding me?

"What would I do with that?"

"You know..... You can hire some teacher to do this, but no need. You have me!"

What on earth is he saying?

"I don't need that."


And I shifted back on my seat. Seriously? He will never stop.

The first period ended. I proceeded to go outside for a moment. It's our vacant anyway.

When I came back in the room, surprisingly enough, Sunghoon is not in his seat. Minjae and him exchanged seat so yes. HE DID BOTHER ME FOR THE WHOLE PERIOD.

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