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"Let's go now."

I told Seokwoo. I mean. That's what we're supposed to do. Not until Sunghoon dragged me back behind him. Okay?

"What do you think you're doing?"

And he IGNORED ME. Wow?

"Uhm. Jake?"

I glanced at Seokwoo. And on Sunghoon.
Where did the tension came from?

"What do you think you're doing?"

I looked at him. What is he saying?

"Sunghoon. We're just going to walk home. It's not a big deal."

"Maybe not for you but for me."

I can't help but to snicker. Seriously? He ignored me for more than a week and he has the audacity to tell this.

"What are you saying? Seokwoo let's go."

He keeps on dragging me eh?

"Walk with him and you will never see me again."

Why is he suddenly like this?

"Seriously Sunghoon. What is your problem?"

I faced him. I'm getting annoyed here. Where is this attitude of his coming from?

"Problem? Why don't you ask yourself? What is YOUR problem?"

"Don't you try reversing it. What are you even pointing out?"

Okay. Here comes my blabberings again.

"YOU ignored me for MORE THAN A WEEK. You never talked to me. Nor even spare me a glance. And then now, all of a sudden, you'll barge in and tell me to stay away from Seokwoo. He's just my friend."

"Maybe that is for you but that's not for him."

What is he pointing out?

"You know what Seokwoo. Just get out."

What the?

"Get the fuck out before I do something."

Seokwoo left without a word. Sunghoon turned to me. And he thinks I'll be scared? No.

"What on earth is happening to you?"

He slammed the table. WHY IS HE SO ANGRY?

"You wanna know why? I'm so fed up with practice Jake! I'm so tired. And the thing that I'll see is you flirting with Seokwoo?"

"Oh come on. I don't even like—"

"HE'S CLEARLY HITTING UP ON YOU! I don't know if you're just dumb or you're too innocent to not realize those damn looks that he's been giving to you!"

"Why are you so angry?"


And should I be happy about that? I glared at him.

"Why are you jealous? Is there even an us?"

He stopped. What? It's true. I don't know what he's pointing out. If he's jealous then he should tell me. Not like this.

"You're forgetting the main point here Jake."

He steps forward. No. I'm not backing out this time. He needs to fix himself. I'm not adjusting for him.

"What main point huh?"

He's too close. What has gotten to him?


I want to laugh. That's his reason? I pushed him.

"Stop pulling the mono-probe situation! It's not going to help you! If that's your reason then I'd rather go to Seokwoo instead."

"What the hell Jake?"


"Yes seriously?! What has gotten to you! I'm asking you here. And you're going to answer me just because we're MONO AND PROBE?"

"What the hell too Sunghoon! You can't just pull your tricks and expect me to fall from it and you'll leave me hanging!"

"I don't even know why are you ignoring me! If it's about practice then you should tell me! I've been thinking if I even did something wrong for you to ignore me!"

"You can't just suddenly distance yourself from me! Not when I'm already falling too!"

I walked out. Seriously. If he can't handle that patience of his, then I'd rather leave.

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