a final secret

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You walked back into the living room to find Bucky gone from the sofa so you went off in search of him, you checked the kitchen and the entire floor everyone went to socialise before heading up to the floor which had his room on it. You softly knocked once and when there was no answer to slowly opened the door to see Bucky pacing back and forth, head in his hands muttering something to himself which sounded like Russian. He hadn't seen you yet so you quietly spoke up, "James" you said softly and his head rose and the pacing stopped. 

Bucky just stared at you straight in the eyes. His were all red and puffy and he looked like he'd been crying. The 2 of you stood there for what felt like forever, not talking. If you were being honest with yourself you didn't actually know what to say. "Sit down Y/N." his voice was angry, "please" added some of the anger drained now and replaced with sadness. "I need to talk to you." 

Your heart almost stopped at those words but you made your way over to him and as you sat down he started speaking. "You've told me parts of yourself you'd barely told anyone about. You was honest with me you opened up and I'm so happy you did but-" his voice broke and he wiped away a falling tear "-but I haven't been honest with you." 

"You can tell me anything James" you said as you grabbed one of his hands and held it between 2 of yours. 

"I think I'm just gonna come right out and say it." he paused for quiet a while. "I killed your grandparents Y/N." The smile the was once on your face dropped and replaced with a shocked look, you didn't say anything and looked away from his eyes. "I understand if you hate me Y/N but I couldn't keep it from you anymore."

"Did you do it when your was the Winter Soldier?" you asked still not looking him in the eyes. You needed to know.

Bucky took a deep breath before he spoke, it was almost inaudible, "yes" 

Relief spread over you and you looked back up to him to notice he was now looking at the ground. You placed a finger under his chin and moved his head so he was looking at you again. "Ok" you gave him a soft smile. "It wasn't you, not really. It's in the past Bucky" you paused again debating whether or not to tell him the next part, "And I want you to know that I love you James" Once you had finished that sentence Bucky's lips attached to yours before you both slowly pulled away.

"I love you too Y/N Stark" and that was it. 


The end.

Love you forever with Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now