Chapter Nine

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                    ~TWO MONTHS LATER~

(Yes I know I did a time skip I just have no idea what to write during that lmao)

(Thomas also arrived during this time but I had no idea how to write it and I'm lazy AF)

Glaring at Thomas I stalk over to Newt and give him a shitty look. "I still don't get why you like that guy Newt".
Newt glances down at me rolling his eyes "Y/n he's completely fine". Newt looks at Thomas quickly before adding "don't get wrong he asks alot of questions. But I think he's a solid guy". I scoff before walking away "well I think your blind there Newt". Walking past the new Greenie I glare at him before walking over to Gally. "Heyooo" I grin at him before attacking him in a hug. "Wha- oh hi there love" he kisses my head before letting go of me. "What's with the glum face hmm?"
"Greenie." Gally scoffs looking at Thomas before grinning at me. "Getting on your nerves too I see ?" "Yep." I scowl as I sit down. "He literally does nothing without complaining and THE AMOUNT OF QUESTIONS HE'S ASKED ME" I burst out angrily. "He acts so entitled too and he's already 'haD enOuGh' of the maze."
"Like uh dude you and Newt and them have been here nearly three years but no one sees you guys complaining." Gally snorts before patting my head. "Babe I agree with you but right now you need to act nice." I bat his hand away glaring at him. "And why is that?" "Well because Alby is on your case and to be honest he'd probably put you in the slammer if you don't stop being rude to the Greenie."
I huff before kissing his cheek and walking away. "Well goodbye to you too darling." Gally says raising an eyebrow. I wave my hand without turning around and continue walking.

                     ~Two hours later~

We all stand outside the maze doors waiting for Minho and Alby to return. "They will make it back on time.. right?" Chuck asks glancing up at me and Newt. "Don't worry Chuck they'll be back in no time" Newt says ruffling his curly hair. Squeezing Gally's shoulder tightly I give Chuck a smile. "Newt's always right Chuck. You have nothing to worry about trust me." I give him another smile before dropping my glance back down to Gally. His eyes are completely fixed on the maze. "Can't we send someone in to get them?" Thomas asks looking at me eagerly. "That's probably the silliest idea I've ever heard Greenie." I say glaring at him. "No one apart from the runners are allowed in the maze." "And I mean no one." I say as Thomas opens his mouth again. "But why-" Newt slaps the back of his head shutting him up. "Because Tommy. We can't afford to loose anyone else in that maze." Thomas Huff's angrily before shutting up completely.
"LOOK!" someone shouts pointing at the maze. "THERE THEY ARE!" Everyone starts gathering around the doors shouting encouragement at the people in the maze. "COME ON MINHO YOU CAN DO IT" "MINHO YOU HAVE TO RUN FASTER" "DON'T LOOK BACK". Newt stands up in horror glancing at Gally in concern. "They aren't going to make it Gally-" Gally stands up quickly cracking his knuckles and fingers. "I'm going to go in-" "No you fucking aren't Gally" I glare at him. "Y/n now is not the time-"

                   ~doors start to close~

"MINHO YOU HAVE TO LEAVE HIM" I scream at him. Minho looks at me frantically before continuing to drag Alby with him. Out of the corner of my eye I see Gally getting ready to run in. "Newt hold Gally back-" Newt pounces on Gally restraining him from running in. "NEWT GET OFF ME FOR CHRIST'S SAKE-" Suddenly I see Thomas make a break for it into the maze. "THOMAS NO-" I scream trying to pull him back. He quickly pulls me into the maze as the doors are just a few inches from closing fully. I turn around quickly only to see Gally's face covered in pure horror and anger. "Y/n-" "Gally-"

                          ~doors close~
"THOMAS YOU IDIOT" I scream pushing him into the wall. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WAS THAT FOR YOU DICKHEAD". I slap him in the face before storming over to Minho. Minho looks up at Thomas panting slightly. "Good job... You just killed yourself" he says before dropping to his knees exhausted. "Wha-what?" Thomas blinks looking around. "What are you talking about-" "you idiot. Nobody. And I mean Nobody. Survives a night in the maze." Thomas stares at me in shock. "So you're saying that-" "We're dead." I say sitting against the wall in defeat. "But I thought-" "No you didn't Thomas. You never fucking think. That's what's so annoying about you , you go head first into any situation without waiting to see what the fucking consequences are. And congradafuckinglations because now we're dead." I say glaring at him. "I- but-" "Oh just shut it."

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