Chapter Five

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Gally was storming over to where Zart was lying in the ground. The only thing running across his mind was how badly he was going to hurt Zart and how he was going to make him pay for what he did to Y/N. Bending down slightly he grips Zart by the collar and yanks him up. "Did you do it". He hisses raising his fist. "D-do wh-what" Zart asks trying to play innocent. "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU BLOODY DID" Gally roars before punching Zart so hard his shirt rips and Zart stumbles backwards. "I didn't mean it-" Zart says looking around with his eyes looking for a way out. But Gally knew better before he came. You see everytime he's about to beat a person up he senses their weaknesses and uses that against them. He also makes sure he traps the person before beating them up. "You hurt the one person you shouldn't have touched" Gally hisses before punching him again and again and again. Groaning Zart finally passes out but Gally continues beating him up. Throwing punches left and right and kicking him in the stomach and anywhere he can reach. "You sick bastard" he spits at Zart. "Never come near my girl again" he hisses before leaving Zart lying face down and bleeding in the dirt.


Newt gasps and clenches his fists as he hears the horrific tale that Y/N pours out.
"That bastard-" he says clenching his fists and locking his jaw tightly.
Frypan squeezes Y/N's arm and looks around.
"Look here comes Gally" he says before pausing. "Is that blood-"
Y/N looks up and is immediately engulfed by Gally's arms. "It's ok love" he whispers stroking her her softly and rocking her back and forth. "I've dealt with him". He says before kissing her on the forehead. Stiffling a sob y/n wraps her arms around Gally's neck and cries into his chest. "Thank you- thank you" she sobs before Gally sweeps her up in his arms again and cradles her.
Newt glances between them and smiles slightly. Patting Frypan on the back he mumbles "let's leave them to it aye?". Frypan nods and gives y/n a small smile and a pat on Gally's back before following newt back to homestead.

~𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒌𝒊𝒑𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒚 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒉𝒐'𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒓 𝒈𝒆𝒍~

Gally places her on the table and starts checking her for injuries. "Gally I'm fine-" Gally cut her off by touching her rib slightly. "Ow-"... Gally looks her in the eyes before sighing "I don't think that's fine y/n". Y/N pouts before sighing. "Fine do what you must" she mumbles. Gally chuckles and takes out the medical kit and lifts her chin up.
"You have beautiful eyes" he says looking into them. Y/N blushes before looking away. "Thank you" she says biting her lip. "Hold still" he says pulling her top up a little bit. She freaks out and slaps his hands away before realising he means no harm and buries her face in her hands. "I'm sorry-" he cuts her off by lifting her chin up. "No don't  be sorry" he says smiling slightly. She nods fighting back tears as he rolls her top up slightly. He gasps at the sight of the black and blue bruises littered across her flawless skin. "Y/N- " he breathes running his fingers across them so gently it was as if a ghost had touched her. She shudders under his touch and looks away. "Hey look at me" he says softly. She turns and looks at him with big wide watery eyes that melt him. "Your safe now" he says stroking her cheek gently. "He can't hurt you love". She leans into the touch wishing for it to never end. He kisses her forehead and goes back to mending her wounds. "I promise he can't hurt you anymore" he looks at her with sincerity in his eyes. The only thing she could focus on was the flecks of gold in his beautiful light green eyes. "Hey-" he says clicking his fingers bringing her back to attention. "You good?" She shakes her body before smiling softly. "better then I'll ever be" he gives her a small smile that warms her heart before turning to pick up a bandage. "I'm going to wrap this around you ok love?" She nods biting her lip. He starts binding it around her making it tight and firm. After a few minutes he finishes and pulls her t shirt back down before stepping back and smiling at her. "See , all done". She smiles before jumping off the table and wincing when she does this. "Woah-" he picks her back up and places her back on the table. Grinning he cups her cheek in his hands "be careful there love". Smiling softly she looks up at him through her eyelashes. "Stop-" he breathes before looking down at her lips and looking up at her eyes again. "Stop what-" she breathes before he slams his lips against hers kissing her roughly. She's taken by suprise but slowly kisses back as a million butterflies fly madly around in her stomach. The only thing he can concentrate on is her lush lips and how soft and sweet they taste. Running his tongue along her bottom lip he asks for permission to gain entrance and she and him fight for dominance before he wins over and explores her mouth. Gasping for air she pulls away and looks at him with a look of awe and wonder etched on her face. Grinning slightly he pecks her on her lips and strokes her cheek. "I love you" he whispers. "You love me-" he nods smiling slightly. "I love you so much I would do anything for you Y/n". He pulls her in for another kiss only this time it's more sweet and slow then the rough and dominating kiss he gave her previously. Pulling away she whispers "I love you too" she looks up at him shyly and his mouth falls open in delight. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks holding his breath waiting for her answer. Laughing she says "i think you know what the answer is captain" he smiles at her pet name. "Alright then sailor" he says cheekily before pecking her on the lips again. She smiles and then wraps her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Wrapping one arm under her bum and one around her waist he walks back to his hut and places her gently in his bed. "You can get changed into night clothes if you want sailor" he whispers before kissing her forehead.

~𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒌𝒊𝒑𝒍𝒍~

She walks back into the room tying her hair up into a messy bun. Gally turns around and grins hugging her tightly and then kissing her on the head. "Come here baby" he pulls her into bed with him and she rests her head on his chest as he wraps a strong arm around her waist pulling her tighter. With one last kiss to her forehead y/n's  eyes flutter shut before falling into a dreamless sleep. He looks down at her one more time smiling and kissing her head before falling into a deep slumber himself.

(A/N = hiya I may not publish for the next few days as I'm back in school lol (I had to self isolate) Tysm for reading this I'm trying to update as much as possible but Wattpad won't let me lmao )

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