Chapter Seven

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I take a deep breath looking around shakily before stepping back into the hut. "Is he- is he alright-" I look at Clint silently hoping it's an all clear. "Well-" Alby starts coughing and shaking vigorously. "Get him some water" Clint orders before going back to tending to him. I run outside and go flying into Gally. "Hey Sailor-" "sorry can't talk right now!" I say sprinting by. "Oh-" Gally turns to see Clint waving frantically at him "GALLY COME HERE NOW" he shouts waving his hands around. Gally sprints up to him skidding to a halt "what's up-?" He asks slightly confused. "Alby got stung...and he isn't getting better. Like at all" Clint bites his lip concentrating. "Wha-what?" He snaps his head back up at Gally. "So your telling me- that he's...dying...???" Nodding slowly Clint opens the door for y/n to come in with the water. "Thanks" he nods before dipping a flannel into the water and placing it on Alby's forehead. "Wait y/m you knew about this?"
Glancing at Gally quickly and then glancing back down I mumble a quick yes before hurrying past him.

~in homestead~

"So Alby isn't getting any better" folding his arms and glaring around , Gally fixes his glare on me. Staring back at him I shrug my shoulders. "Don't look at me I'm just trying to help him". Rolling his eyes he turns away from me and continues addressing everyone. "Since Alby is out for the count for a few days , we've decided that Newt should be the leader as he is second in command". Newt looks up smiling before dropping his gaze to his hands once more. Patting him on the back I smile before looking back at Gally. "Everything will be the same but we just need to work together as a team guys , so incase if something does happen to Alby we all have Newts back".

~a few hours later~

"Y/n ?" Gally looks around before spotting me chatting to Minho. "Can we talk for a few minutes". Waving bye to Minho I turn to Gally. "Sure , what's wrong". Gally sighs and brings me in for a hug. "I'm sorry I was rather rude to you love , I just got upset about Alby and I didn't mean to be a dick". Burying my face into his chest I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss his jaw. "It's alright Gally" I smile up at him before going back to cuddling him. Cupping my cheeks he lifts my face up and softly presses a kiss to my lips. "Your so gorgeous love" he whispers before wrapping his arms around me again. Blushing I bury my face into his chest and close my eyes.

~at supper~

Smiling at Frypan I take my plate of food and go sit down next to Newt. "So how is it being the leader newt" I wink at him before digging into my beef stew. Sighing he places his fork on his plate and rests his head on the table. "I have no idea how Alby does it , it's so damn hard keeping everyone and everything in check" he groans before lifting his head up and looking at Gally. "Honestly I feel like Minho or Gally would've been a better pick , their so much better and firm and their good leaders , plus everyone listens to them" he sighs before picking his fork back up. "Newt that's a lie , the reason why we picked you is because A) Alby would've wanted you to be the leader and B) people do listen to you and you are firm but you understand people too. Gally and Minho know nothing about feelings unless it's anger or something" I look at Newt and grin. "Don't tell Gally I said that , he'll probably skin me alive" I laugh before shoving food into my mouth. "Nah he likes you too much" newt winks before digging into his food.

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