Chapter Three

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(A/N = I'm going to spice things up a little , there's going to be a bad guy in this part for the next few chapters , if any of this triggers you in any way possible please feel free to click off this story x and if any of you are struggling with private issues my dms are always open especially on insta x my ig- @flori_xox)

I sit down in the circle around the huge bonfire listening to Newt and Minho's long conversation about the maze. "But we need more-" , "Minho we can't risk anyone else , you , Ben and the others are already at risk even if you are the best of the best" Newt replies with a frown on his face. "Ooo giving me compliments are we now Newt" Minho says winking at Newt and then sticking his tongue out as he wacks him upside the head. "Shut up Minho and get your head back out your ass" he snaps glaring at him. Wavering under his glare Minho turns to me passing me Gally's "special drink". "There is no way in hell I'm drinking that klunk-" I say turning my nose up in disgust at the stench of it. "Oh yes you are" Minho says before lifting my chin up and pouring it down my throat. "Ug- EW WHAT IS THAT STUFF" I spit it back out onto the ground and run into the kitchen to grab some water to soothe the burning sensation. Newt stays sitting with Minho , folding his arms and glaring at Minho with a look of 'I told you so'. "What?" Minho says innocently looking up at Newt through his eyelashes. "I didn't mean it-" "whatever" newt says sighing. "Just don't blame me when Gally comes for your shank ass". "Why would he come?" Newt scoffs before whispering into Minho's ear making sure only he can hear. "Cause Gally likes her you dumb shank" "HE WHAT-" Newt claps a hand over his mouth stifling the noise he made. Looking around apologetically Newt turns back to Minho hissing "speak a little louder will ya" "Gally likes her?" Minho asks with a look of pure delight on his face. Newt nods slightly before adding, "I caught them about to kiss , plus have you seen the looks he's given her ever since he pulled her out the box?" Minho glances at Gally who appears to be looking for something or someone. "Yeah I see what you mean".
"Ugh fuck you Minho-" I curse under breath before being sharply turned around. "Gally- Zart."
I can feel his awful breath on my cheek and as I look up I can only see the look of want and lust in his eyes. "Uh- Zart what are you doing-" I breathe out before he starts to travel his hands up my waist and stopping at my bra. "Zart I really don't think this is a good idea-" "I think it is" I hear him mumble huskily before leaning his lips in to kiss me. Panicking I quickly knee him in the balls and sprint out the door not bothering to look back as I sprint over to where Gally is standing.
"You ok there Greenie?" I look up to see him staring down back at me with a look of worry on his face. "You look like you've seen a ghost".
"I'm fine" I choke out before collapsing onto the ground. "Woah-" he bends down next to me placing a comforting hand on my back "I think I'll take you to the med jack's ok ?" He looks at me with worry and kicks me up gently and starts walking with a fast pace towards the med jack's hut. I hear Zart call out something to Gally. "Ay Gally want me to take her for you?" I whimper burying my head in Gally's chest. Looking down at me with confusion he calls out "I'm fine thanks , just get back to the bonfire" before continuing his walk to the med jack hut.

~𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒌𝒊𝒑𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒚 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒇𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒔

"What do you mean she's fine" Gally raises his voice angrily "she collapsed on the ground next to me and looks as pale as a ghost" I groan before reaching my hand out to grab his. Flinching slightly he rubs his thumb over the back of my hand staring at Clint who looks stumped for ideas. "I don't man.. I genuinely have no idea what's wrong with her... Unless". "Unless what ?!" Gally looks at him and back at me demanding answers. "Unless she's on her period?" I shake my head and try and sit up. "I'm not. Mine isn't due until next week I think" Gally gives me a half glance before turning back to Clint. "So what do you think it is then" he gives him a glare "you are the doctor here after all". Clint gives him a look , "look I don't know what's wrong with her , she won't tell me anything and your not helping either by being all confronting to me. I think it would be best for her to sleep on it and then if she's still collapsing by dinner time tomorrow then I think I'll need to get Alby involved". He fixes Gally with a hard glare. "But I want you to watch her"
"Watch her-" "yes Gally watch her" I scoff drawing attention to both boys. "Do I not have a say in this ?" Clint continues talking to Gally "you never know someone could be hurting her secretly. I want you to keep an eye out on her"
Gally nods and turns back to me "you alright with that ?" I roll my eyes and fiddle with a piece of loose thread on my t shirt. "Suppose." I mumble.
"Good that" he gives me a loopsided grin that makes my heart turn cartwheels before turning back to Clint. "I'll see you tomorrow then" he nods at Clint who is already halfway out the door. "See ya" he walks out the door shutting it quietly behind him before walking downstairs.
I look up at Gally sheepishly before flopping back into the bed. "You aren't hiding something Y/N right ?" He asks a little worried. "Gally if something were to happen you'd be one of the first people to know trust me" I say feeling a little guilty.
"Oh" he looks down at me silently. "Well in that case" he turns to walk out the door. "Gally wait-" I grab his hand before he leaves. "Yeah?" He says turning around looking at our hands before looking at me. "Can you uh- sleep with me?"
His face breaks into a small grin before climbing under the sheets with me and pulling me close to him. "Thank you" I whisper before closing my eyes and resting my head on his chest.
Stroking my hair and kissing my forehead softly he whispers back "good night greenie" he smiles before closing his eyes and falling asleep aswell.

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