chapter one | season three

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The entire school was silenced as quiet as mouse one could say. It was robby keene from miyagi-do karate that had hospitalized marias brother. Each day went by and miguel still wouldn't awake it was pure agony for his twin sister who couldnt even sleep because every single time she closed her eyes all she visioned was her brother body lying unconscious on the school stairs. It was clear the pair were not use to been separated.

Everyday maria would make it to the hospital from opening hours to closing hours. The girl couldnt even think about karate with miguel in this state. However maria heard talk around town that johnny hadn't taken the news well either he had returned to substance abuse and wasn't even been a sensei. It was this moment in marias life she had never felt so alone. Maria didnt even bother to speak to any of her friends let alone talk about miguel to anybody. Sadly maria refused to speak to her own family about how she was feeling.

The nurse had asked maria to leave now several times before having to ring her mother. Once carmen arrived the sight was heartbreaking having to watch her daughter cling onto her twin brothers body screaming and crying to wake up.

"JUST WAKE UP MIGUEL! I FUCKING NEED YOU... i need you pietro... please miggy just come back to me please"

It was a horrible for carmen to drag her daughter away from the one person she was constantly with. Maria didnt say a single word to her mum or her nana then when they arrived home she locked herself within her bedroom away from everything. Carmen found herself frustrated with herself with not knowing how to make maria feel better. The poor girl had already endured lifes worst already and now she has to endure the thought she may loose her brother.

"she needs to open up to somebody carmen" the nana spoke sternly before sitting beside the stressed mother.

"Ive tried but i just have no idea how to make maria feel better and its so draining and painful to see her this way" carmen sobbed into her hands.

"that boy what was his name... eli was it would he make her feel better" the nana shrugged shoving a dry biscuit.

Maria hadnt gone to school since miguels accident most people hadnt as they took a small break to repair damage. The main issue was that maria spoke to nobody since that day including eli. Maria also quit cobra kai when she heard it was no longer ran by sensei lawrence.

"hawk they call him he is close with both twins" carmen said before reaching for the phone calling the moskowitz's.

Maria had spent the last two weeks dressed in nothing but sweaters and joggers as there was nobody to impress. When the girl went home she still couldnt distract herself from reality which use to be her favourite thing to do. The girl was currently laid in her usual comfy clothes wrapped in a blanket trying to endure the storyline of captain america : the winter soldier. That was the twins favourite captain america film and she didnt feel right to watch miguels favourite without him. Everything to maria seemed wrong. The young girl didnt realise what she was living like. The girls bedroom was horrendous and her blue hair dye was now basically an ombre style with her natural brunette growing out.

Maria turned the film off not bearing the thoughts in her head. Every single day it just got worse everyday without her brother was killing her. The girl through her tv remote to the floor with a well needed scream before seeing her polaroid wall full of photos with her friends and movies poster everything reminding her of the situation she was living. The girl tore every single photo off the wall ripping some then threw her duvet making everything on her bedside table fall only making her bedroom more messy. Maria was breaking down and she felt hopeless.

The girl sobbed into her stitch teddy that miguel had bought her for their tenth birthday not realising that hawk had seen the whole thing. Kreese may of been changing hawk but his feelings for maria had never changed. Hawk loved maria and he knew she loved him. Seeing the girl he loved broke his heart. The boy didnt say a word just sat beside the girl and hold her in his arms giving her that small bit of comfort she desperately seeked. Maria knew she was soaking his shirt but couldn't care less but little did she know hawk seeing her this way actually put a tear in his eye. The boy tried so hard for it not to fall but hearing the girl sobbed while she clung onto him as if her life depended on it was his tipping point. It was that moment that hawk didnt want revenge on miyagi-do because kreese said it was the right thing, he wanted revenge because of his best friend and the girl he loved.

All while in this moment maria did not know her brother would be back to her very soon thanks to her sensei. Johnny Lawrence.

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