Who are you?

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William's P.O.V.

       I ran to her as fast as I could using my vampire speed. All I could hear was her screams pleading for help. When I finally got to the edge I jumped after her. When I caught her she was passed out from fear. I grabbed on to a piece of rock coming out of the side and pulled us both up. With my strength she weighed practically nothing.I climbed all they way to the top before her eyes started to flutter open.

Sophia's P.O.V.

        You never realize how many good things have happened to you until you're near death. I didn't see a white light though I was expecting it. I passed out  while I was falling expecting to never wake up again. I was relieved and scared. Maybe my dad would acknowledge my existence one last time at my funeral. Maybe I would get to see my mother once again. I finally found a peaceful state of mind. It was dark and black, but wasn't death supposed to feel different? I felt like I was being carried but I had yet to open my eyes. 

        I felt something hard underneath me like the ground. My eyes fluttered open and I saw the most handsome man ever. His jet black hair and ocean blue eyes seem to captivate me as he scanned my body for any injuries and then finally met my dull green eyes that had lost all life years ago. "Why did you catch me? Why not let me fall?" were the first words that left my mouth. Was he the one that called out when I slipped? "I did what anyone would do if they saw someone fall."he said. I didn't believe him though it seemed like he was hiding something from me even though I only met him about 5 minutes ago." How did you catch me? I wasn't near the edge when I blacked out."    

          " Lot's of questions, princess. How about I walk  you home." he left no room for argument, and started to walk away after helping me stand up. " I have no place to go" I said quietly with tears in my eyes.

I didn't think he heard me but when he stopped walking i knew that he did, in fact, hear me.He looked me in the eyes and said " Well then I guess you'll just have to come home with me then."          

" What if you try to kill, or rape me?" I asked and then added " Why take a stranger in. I could be a murderer for all you know."

He looked at me with an amused smile on his face and said " Well sweetheart, if I wanted to kill you I would have let you fall, and i'm not a rapist either. As for you, well you don't really strike me as a serial killer. "

         After that he just turned around and started to walk to wherever he lives. He was oddly calm around me. I didn't even know his name and now that I think about it he doesn't know mine either.

" Thank you by the way , for saving me and taking me into you're home. My name is Sophia."I said with a sweet smile and held my hand out for him to shake.

" A little late on the introduction princess, but it was no problem, and my name is William." he said nonchalantly.

William's P.O.V.

        I couldnt tell you how relieved I was to see her eyes open. I quickly made sure she was okay, then I looked into her bright green eyes that looked dull with dissapointment.She asked me so many questions, that I couldnt answer without freaking her out so I gave her a few answers that seemed to appease her, but she still didnt look like she believed me still.I offered to walk her home, but when she told me she didnt have a place to go, I was angry.

         I offered for her to come with me, hoping that she would agree just so I could see if she liked our future home. If she didnt like it I would move in a heartbeat just to make her happy.

She asked  " What if you try to kill, or rape me?" and then after a second added  " Why take a stranger in. I could be a murderer for all you know"

I looked at her with an amused smile because she doesnt know who I am or what I've done. I gave her the human answer of course and told her  " Well sweetheart, if I wanted to kill you I would have let you fall, and i'm not a rapist either. As for you, well you don't really strike me as a serial killer. "

        After we had that conversation we started on our walk and after a pause she thanked me and told me her name was Sophia. What a beautiful name, it suits her as well. I soon after told her my name and that it was no problem,of course.

I cant tell Rose just yet though.

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