What is this?

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William's P.O.V

I was shocked when she kissed me. I didn't think she would kiss me willingly til the bond was stronger. The kiss was even better than the first one. She kissed me more passionately and she was more sure of herself. Maybe I should tell her about us being mates soon. The bond is getting stronger lately and when she finds out I don't want her to think it was just the bond controlling her.I already love her, but I know that I cant tell her that, not yet. I have to ask her to be my girlfriend.

I was so deep in thought I didn't realize when she pulled away and I was still in a daze on the floor. I snapped out of it when I heard her giggle. I love that sound.

"I'm that good of a kisser,eh?" she asked teasingly, a blush on her cheeks now spreading down to her neck. I wish I could tell her how much they drive me crazy and that I crave more but instead I tell her

"You have no idea." She giggles a little bit more before her eyes suddenly brightened and she got up and ran out of the kitchen.I quickly sprang up and followed her to her room where she is looking through the closet.

" What are you doing?" I ask in a suspicious tone. She turns to me with curiosity and excitement making me happy to see her like this,but what she said next made me freeze and think about what to do next.

Sophia's P.O.V.

After our kiss I thought of something I had found in my closet the night before when I was bored. On the bottom of my closet floor was a trap door that led into a really dark room. I would have went down and looked if I hadn't gotten the chilling feeling I had when I opened the door. I decided then that it was best to wait until William was with me before I did anything I might regret.

" I found this really weird door at the bottom of my closet, and when I opened it-" he cut me off by saying " YOU WHAT?!?" really loud. It made me feel like a scolded child but I quickly hid it and said with an attitude " Well if you would so kindly let me finish, you would know that I never went down and was waiting for you to go with me because it scared me and I always feel safe with you and-" He cut my ramble off again with a kiss that only lasted a second but did the trick.

" If you shut me up like that it would be much better for both of us." I mumbled quietly under my breath.

" I'm sorry baby." He started "I didn't mean to shout at you but I just didn't want you down there, but I guess we can go down there." He said tucking my hair behind my ear and hugging me tightly. " but you have to promise me that after you go down there you won't be afraid of me or what I am. I promise you that I will always be your safe haven and you should never fear what I am."

Now i'm afraid to see what lies underneath the mysterious door in my closet.

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