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A/N: Slowly writing Wilbur out of the story, my life is very busy rn but your kind words and mourning the loss of my story is so kind, I want to get my story back out there without him in it. I think I'm going to make this story fully American because I am not British and can't write it well and I feel like it removes him even further. For now, I'm keeping the fact that he's a streamer because re-writing that would be a lot more work. I'm also giving the main character a name because it's no longer a fan fiction but an original novel.

Please leave comments if I miss things in my editing! I would really appreciate any constructive criticism and I want to really make sure he no longer has anything to do with my story.

(2838 words)
After months of Ally's begging to move in with her, I finally managed to plan it out carefully. I was crazy giddy with excitement on moving day, life hadn't been the same since I left the north east and my friends behind. Luckily for me, Ally and her boyfriend had moved into a two bedroom apartment around the same time my lease was up in Tennessee and I needed to move anyway.

Due to my parents' fantastic marriage (divorce), I was born in the south and partially raised there, moved north all through middle school and high school, went back to the south for college, stayed there after graduation, and now need to move back to the north because that's where most of my family and best friends live. I know, I've moved like an army brat. I'd had friends in Tennessee, but none of them compared to the New York dumbasses I was forced to talk to through a screen instead of in person.

The second I exited the airport gate, I was scooped into a bear hug by Ally at break-neck speed.

"You're home! Ash, you're home! I can't believe it you're finally back home and I don't have to stop talking to you because you have shit wifi!!" She spun around with me in her arms, making me laugh immediately. I'd missed her so much, but I always forgot how strong she was. I hugged her back as tight as I could.

"God, Ally, I can't believe I'm finally back. You wouldn't believe the fomo I got from not being here."

"Hey Asher, do I need to be worried about you taking my girlfriend?" Ally's boyfriend asked with a smile on his face as Ally finally let me go.

"Yes." Ally said simply.

"Hey Jake." I hugged him too, although I'd never met him in person I'd gotten to know him well over discord.

Brandon smiled and put my carry-on in his lap. "Did you bring me anything?"

"Yeah, actually, check the front pocket for some candy."

"This is why you're my favorite." He dug greedily for the airport candy I'd stuffed in there.

"I see you got new wheels, I'm into it." I motioned with my foot towards his new wheelchair. His old one was beat to hell but his insurance wouldn't cover a new one for a while.

"Hell yeah! Finally got a legit sugar daddy to pay for it. He treats me right." He spun around a few times to show it off. His "Sugar Daddy" was just finally asking his parents for money.

"I can't believe you all came just to pick me up. Where's Cal?" I asked, looking around. Calvin Garcia, the fifth of the friend group, was nowhere to be seen.

"Your boyfriend's in the middle of streaming with some 16 year old," Ally scoffed. "I can't believe both of you make money off of Youtube and Twitch." Cal wasn't my boyfriend, which annoyed the hell out of Ally. I've never flirted with a boyfriend the way I flirted with Calvin all the time, but for many reasons we would never date.

"Not enough, I only have 100k subscribers, that's why I'm still consulting." I groaned, forcing Brandon to give me one of the gummy bears he was hoarding.

"Just Friends"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora