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If one was to write a memoir about Jake's childhood, it would be an empty stack of printer paper. He grew up in a nuclear family, he had regular friends and normal interests and was absolutely nothing special. He didn't care very much about anything at all, and didn't care that he didn't care. His friends would joke that they only kept him around for diversity, and the only thing interesting about him was that he wasn't white. Although he knew he should get better friends, he didn't really care.

He went to university and took the credits he needed to, not interested in the interesting. He dated girls he didn't like and waited for them to break up with him. He walked life with apathy. That is, until he finally went to a party, and fell head first for the most interesting, outgoing, wonderful woman. The moment he saw Ally he was in love with her, he was in love with her smile and the way she would talk for hours even if no one was listening, but he would listen. He introduced himself by commenting on how much it had been raining and immediately regretted it. He didn't have enough personality for her, everyone around them could see it, but for some reason she laughed at his statement about the rain. "I didn't even notice," she'd said.

Why Ally chose Jake, he didn't really know, but he knew he was happy about it. It didn't take very long for him to realize how deeply troubled she was underneath, and dedicated himself to helping her. The thought never even crossed his mind to leave and find someone easier, less messy. His quiet, normal demeanor was the exact thing she needed, because he saw beyond the mask she wore, he saw how to get through to her. He introduced her to the idea of therapy and wouldn't let it rest until she signed up for a session. As Ally grew, Jake grew. He developed his own life and thoughts and interests, got deeply into board games and botany, starting a rainforest of houseplants in his room. She made him want to live a real life, a real life with her. Ally gave him something to care about. She gave him optimism and love and introduced him to The Devil Wears Prada. I'm not sure if you knew this, but that was their favorite movie. He stayed with her through everything, always by her side, always ready to help, always ready to love her.

It would be useless to write a memoir about Jake, he doesn't need his own story and he doesn't want one. Ally is his story.

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