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(2191 words)

As per our agreement, I had to be streaming at the same time as Calvin so he would have the opportunity to raid me. We agreed to start our streams at noon, I had invited a few of my normal friends to join me so they could get the clout from the raid and got an early lunch. It took longer than normal to make my lunch because I had to spend the whole time with Ally throwing me sly glances and doing her little shoulder wiggle. She also, tastefully so, included the occasional sucking dick gesture.

"So how awkward is it gonna be when you have to give him a blowjob?" She asked, dangerously close to me while I was holding a knife to cut my apple.

"I don't need to think about it because he's not gonna win." I wagged the blade at her.

"Mmmm okay. I think it's gonna be super awkward. Are you gonna do that thing where you get so embarrassed and your face gets so hot that your eyes start to water? Remember when you got yelled at by our history teacher and that happened?" She smiled with her tongue between her teeth.

"You're so helpful. I see why I love you so much." I sneered at her and she rolled her eyes.

I headed back to my room to eat and prepare for the stream, closing my door just in time to hear Ally call "How's your gag reflex?" from the kitchen. Hahah Ally. Her favorite thing in the world was being right, and oh how she loved to rub it in my face that she knew since high school that Calvin and I would get together. Jokes on her, we weren't together, we were just agreeing to have sex. Well. That didn't sound great. It wasn't going to happen anyway, not a chance in the world he got 150,000 viewers to raid me.

I logged onto the server to chat with my friends before we started. I knew the numbers would be slow in the beginning, it was hard to get a solid stream in when any of the SMP members were live. My friends were stoked for the raid, I told them a very abbreviated version of the bet, omitting the part about what I would owe Cal and only mentioning the $200. In order to keep track of his progress I kept his stream in the corner of one of my monitors so I could check as we went.

The clock struck noon and it was time to start, we all went live and began our typical goofs and gafs. About ten minutes in I realized I was trembling slightly. My mouse jittered on the screen, and my fingers were sweating and slipping from the keys.

"Your build is garbage, why did you use acacia? This is dark oak supremacy and you know that." One of them began to break the other's house.

"Oh because your builds have so much flavor and texture. Tell me, when's the last time you didn't build a wood cube for a house." They rebuilt each block as it was destroyed.

"I don't need to be able to place blocks good if I have a sharp enough sword. The more you insult my house the less likely I am to save you from a zombie."

It was hard to pay attention, so I focused on building my XP farm and laughed along without adding much. Calvin's stream was around 60k viewers, pretty typical for him at the very beginning. He had 3 hours to raid me before I won.

'Wait what the hell? Did you just vent?" One of them laughed.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Miles just disappeared into a lava pool?" They responded, I could see their gamer tag hopping around in the distance.

"Oh my god Miles is that where you hid your base?" I said. The oldest trick in the book, how'd we not guess it.

"Noooo..... Don't go in the lava pool, I died." A small chat popped up in the corner of the screen.
MilesSmiles: has died. Clearly a chat they wrote.

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