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I sighed and set my coffee down so I could rub my temples in frustration. Sometimes the content was too tiresome to edit and I had to force my way through it to meet deadlines, and by the end I was left dead. Unable to look at my computer screen anymore, I got up from my chair with the crackle of a few joints to open my shades for the day. Sunlight, at least, was refreshing to my soul.

I stood in front of the window for a few minutes, soaking in the warm glow and letting the frustration flow out of my body. If I only hadn't put my coffee down I could look like one of those tired wives in the Folgers commercials.

The commercial-like bliss was interrupted as my phone dinged and vibrated on the desk. I sighed, praying for it to not be work related, and I was given a welcome surprise.

Cally <3: Hey do you wanna do something tonight? We can go to dinner or something?
Me: Awwww are you asking me on a date?
Cally <3:: I might be
Me: Of course I want to go on a date with you. Let's go to the movies, I'm craving overpriced popcorn
Cally <3: Only if we see a horror movie so you can get scared and sit in my lap
Me: It doesn't take a horror movie for that. What time?
Cally <3: 9, night movies are the best movies

Patience is a virtue but not one of mine, so being forced to wait until 9 to see him was pure torture. My responsibilities could wait, I'd gladly put them off for him, but instead I continued to work because he'd chosen such a late time.

Only yesterday I had woken up in his arms after we said I love you, and I wanted to spend every waking moment together. Ally was already suspicious enough, it didn't matter what I did. I was planning to tell her that I was heading to the movies with Calvin even though she was just going to assume we were sleeping together. I still wasn't sure if it was supposed to be a secret, I guess we could discuss it at the movies.

As 9 creeped closer I pulled myself together to go hang out with Calvin. I thought about how I would prepare for a normal first date, like I'd done with April, but this was so much stranger. It was just Cal and I, so why would I dress up? Yet it wasn't really just Calvin and I like normal, just friends.

I decided not to stray from our normal ways, there wasn't reason to risk making it awkward and forced.

Walking into the building I could see Calvin standing off to the side of the concession stand, waiting for me. When he saw me enter the building he lit up, walking over quickly to take my hand.

"Hello." He said, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Hello to you, too." I smiled. "Do you want to get in line for snacks?"

"Absolutely, I'm excited to overpay for things we could get at a corner store."

"I mean it's half the experience."

We went to join the line, hand in hand. The wait for food was rather long, and even though I knew it would be it was still disappointing to have to stand for so long.

"Do you think we'll get our snacks before the movie ends?" I asked him.

"If we're lucky," he said, looking over the heads of those in front of us to see how fast the cashiers were moving. "I got us tickets to The Power at 9 so if these employees could go a little faster maybe we can catch the credits."

"Don't get greedy, I'm just hoping to hear the last note of the ending song as we walk down the hall towards the viewing room."

"I think I may use the bathroom so I don't need to later, will you keep our spot?"

&quot;Just Friends&quot;Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora