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Tweet Notification: Ceej-Gee
Hey Guys! Help me win a bet! Show your support by joining my stream with Kudzo, LarryGames, Krax, and YarlJarl this Tuesday! Hoping to hit over 150,000 viewers!

A few seconds after the notification popped up on my screen, Ally burst into my room.
"I'm gonna die! Did you see his tweet?" She screamed, smiling so wide her face could barely contain it.
What had I gotten myself into?

~~A few days earlier~~

I had begrudgingly watched the Devil Wears Prada again, sitting with the crew like normal in our living room. Every single room was too hot, the AC unit was busted with no signs of life and the landlord wasn't returning our calls. I draped myself over the side of the couch.

"We spend way too much time in this apartment anyway. Shouldn't we like, go out more or something?" I said, exhausted.

"Maybe, but the thought of moving makes me want to barf." Calvin sighed from the floor. His place wasn't any better, the heat wave had busted everyone's air. Maybe I could stick my head in the fridge for a bit.

"Outside isn't any cooler, if I'm gonna melt I may as well do it on my own couch." Ally said, splayed eagle spread next to me. Her thighs kept sticking together and making the thwwwp sound.

Brandon, the traitor, wasn't with us. His AC was working but his roommate basically refused to have anyone over, they were insistent that more people in the room would encourage it to break. They also, coincidentally, didn't like us very much, we were 'too loud' and 'not as funny as we thought we were'. As right as they might have been, it still hurt. 

Jake was sucking on an ice cube over the kitchen sink in the most disgusting visceral way possible. I could hear the sound all too clearly without the background hum of the fan.
"Could you be any more sexual?" Calvin groaned, lifting his head in a way that suggested he was resentful for having to move in the least. "That's not a challenge!" He quickly amended, but all too late. Jake began to, and there's no great way to put this, make love to the ice cube. The sloshing noise from him swirling his tongue around it made me gag.

"Jaakkee..." We all gave a low energy grumble in protest.

"Hey, I'm the only one here feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day." He said through a twisted smile.

"I literally could not care less," I responded. "I'm not even that sloppy when I give Cal head." Ally snorted next to me. It became much easier to joke about the situation than avoid it, it was Brandon's new favorite thing to talk about.

"I love you more than anything but I might have to murder you if you keep assaulting that poor ice." Ally gave a tired but threatening middle finger towards her partner.

Jake retired the ice cube and came to sit with us in the living room. I could work through the cold, I could wear sweaters or a blanket and curl up with my laptop and do some reports or even edit some videos. I couldn't do anything but pray for death in the heat.

"I think my PC is gonna catch on fire. I don't know how I'm gonna stream." Cal complained.

"Oh because you're so good and consistent at streaming." I laughed.

"Hey, hey, I'm getting better. I've streamed like, at least twice in the past decade." He sarcastically said. It made me giggle despite the weight the temperature put on my chest.

"At this rate I'm gonna have more subs than you." I said, and it was his turn to laugh.

"Oh yeah, you almost catching up to my millions of followers?"

"Just Friends"Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang