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With the most unlucky fate, I did wake up in the morning. I had a splitting headache that was cleaving my brain in half. I had fallen asleep asleep with my bra and shirt in hand, clutching them like a Teddy bear, and for one blissful second where I couldn't remember why before it hit me like a bus. I couldn't remember most of what had happened the previous night. What I could remember was Ally making me keep up with her drink count and that I had done something deeply embarrassing.

I sat in bed for a while just staring at the wall, praying to any God that I could be swallowed whole by the Earth but my solace did not come.

I got dressed and wiped off what was left of my makeup, and left my room to go snag some aspirin from the bathroom. Ally was in the kitchen making eggs and a hangover cure, when she saw the state I was in as I walked in she said nothing but poured me a glass of the disgusting liquid and handed me a plate of scrambled eggs.

"I've died, Ally." I whispered in a hoarse voice.

"Dear god, don't.... Don't be so loud." Ally winced.

"What happened last night?"

"We got dead drunk, and this is called a hangover." She said.

"No shit, I mean I did something bad last night." I tried shoveling the eggs into my mouth but I was so queasy I had to slowly take nibbles instead.

"Oh God, really? What was it?"

I suddenly realized it would be a very bad idea to tell Ally what had happened, so I once again had to lie to my best friend. "I can't remember, I just know I did something bad."

Ally looked like she wanted to laugh but her headache stopped her. "Oh, goody, how bad?"

"Like, send-a-nude-to-a-family-group-chat-bad. I don't know what it was but if everyone else has forgotten it, that'd be ideal."

"That cannot be good." She said. Ally looked disdainfully down at her eggs, "I can't eat this. I'm gonna barf."

"Join the club."

Jake walked into the kitchen, holding his head in his hands. "Babe, Ash did something embarrassing last night, do you remember what it was?" Ally asked him.

"I don't remember my own name." He responded in a weak voice.

"I'm starting to feel good about my chances of no one remembering." I tried to eat more eggs but my body wouldn't let me put it in my mouth.

"Well, Calvin will remember." Jake said.

"Calvin? Why?" I asked, my heart skipped a beat for a moment. Did Jake know?

"I feel like he said he was gonna be sober last night. He had to stream today or something." Jake said.
I had a quick breath of relief but I didn't want either of them to notice.

"I'll tell Cal to come over so he can nurse us back to health and tell us what you did." said Ally. I wanted to stop her as she pulled out her phone but I knew that would look suspicious. I just really didn't feel like looking him in the eye at the moment.

 Calvin arrived while Ally and I were in the middle of theorizing what I did. I wanted to tell her so badly, but there was no way she would take it well, and I needed to speak to Calvin first.

"I don't, it kinda feels like Calvin walked in on me hooking up with someone." I said, biting at one of my nails.

"Oh lord, that would be hilarious," Ally smiled and took another sip of coffee. Just as she said that, he walked in the door. "Cal you're just in time! Who did Ash hook up with?"

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