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irl picture above :) My family is gonna get a puppy!!! Her name is gonna be Aya, you will get pictures of her in like 7 weeks <3


There's a beauty in loving yourself.

There's a beauty in knowing you're ok.

There's a beauty in knowing your place in the world.

Even though you're always beautiful I someone's eyes.

That was a thing Astrid liked about James.
That she was beautiful in his eyes at all times.
Why? She didn't know.

Maybe James potter wasn't so bad.

Maybe James potter was amazing.

But she wasn't worth it.
She had no parents that loved her.

Trust me she loved her real family to death.

Family isn't blood.

Family is something you know you can trust, be yourself around and don't fell bad around.

No, family is who you consider family.

For Astrid it was probably, her sister, her brother, Grandma, Lily and Remus. Sirius and Regulus too.

But she still wasn't worth it.

The people that loved her especially.


But she has these days.

Days when she feels enough.

Days when you would be truly happy.

Today was that kind of day.

1. She had puppies to cuddle

2. James wasn't being a jerk


And 4.
Actually erase that, no 4.


James had finally convinced his family -after 23 letters- that he could take the puppies and Nea home when break came!

He was more then excited to tell Astrid, maybe she would visit him then. What a plus. Then if she does she will meet his parents and Emma!'Isn't that Weasley Astrid tutor Emma's best friend?' James thought.

James basically had forgotten Astrid, which surprised everyone. He hadn't even asked her out one time in class, he just sat there. Smiling.

James didn't forget Astrid. Of course not. He was thinking of her the entire day. He just didn't noticed that everyone was giving him weird looks.


Astrid had just got out of her last class. She was now going to her dorm to change out of her uniform.

She changed to oversized muggle jeans, she had bought them in muggle London while shopping with Bella one time. And a brown crop top with a big hoodie open in the front. While not taking off the little earrings she had on almost always.

She was a bit concerned for James though.

He hadn't even talked to her one time today.But she figured she could just ask him in the shed where the puppies were at 5. Which was in 5 minutes, shit. Running out of the school with a panicked look she saw the shed.

Walking to the door almost opening the door she heard a soft voice sing, "everybody here is watching you, because feel like home. You're like a dream come true"

(I know this song didn't exist in the 70's but it's where I got the title of the book so live with it lol)

Astrid walked in knowing James had a muggle radio with him listening to When we were young.

She loved that song.

"Oh hey" James said whispering and then pointing at the sleeping puppies.

"Hi" Astrid said back with a small smile.


Boring chapter again, sorry.

Thank you for reading yet again!!!! Love you all.


When we were young . James potterWhere stories live. Discover now