ch 10.

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"y/n! come downstairs now." you heard someone yell, you groan getting out of bed, rushing downstairs. you saw dabi and toga, talking to one another in low tones and tomura pacing back and forth.

"w-what's going on?" you stutter confused as to why the atmosphere was full of panic and uncertainty. you stepped in front of tomura, holding his wrists in your hands, rubbing his shoulders
hoping to calm him down.

"she's in the hospital.." he says in barely a whisper, but you caught it. your heart dropped and you, yourself began trembling.

the two others turn to you and your bother with wide eyes, worried as to how'd you react. "s-sh-she's in new york right?"
you swallow the lump in your throat, forcing a smile, they both nod.

"kuogiri...where is he? we... we need him to take us there. now."
your hands were now on the counter, and you felt them slipping, looking down to see the granite counter top melted.

you detach your hands from it and run your hands through your tangled hair, a long sigh leaving your lips, as you waiting for the warp gate man. "y/n, tomura! are you okay?" he asks.

"we're fine! please just hurry up." you say, holding your brother as he was still trembling in your arms.

"hey shiggy, she's gonna be alright.. okay? mom's a fighter, remember that." you attempt to reassure him along with yourself,
as kuogiri teleports the two of you.

a doctor comes up to the two of you, concerned. "are you y/n and tomura shigaraki?" he asks and the both of you nod, after confirmation he leads you two to the icu.

"she just got out of surgery. we have to do a lung transplant and we were able to get her to the top of the list, and it was a success.
she should wake up within the next few hours!" he explains with a smile, leaving.

you and tomura let out a sigh of relief, and you hug him-catching the scrawny boy off guard. "shiggy, you were trembling earlier and i-i was worried about you... and then i heard what you
said-i'm glad she's okay. i love you." you embrace him tighter.

"i love you too." the blue haired boy says smiling. your phone began to rang and you smile seeing denki's contact name on your screen. "go answer it." your brother shooed you away for privacy.

"hey denki!" you answered the call, "hey y/n, uh why aren't you at school..?" he asks, worried. "i uhm, my mom, is in the hospital and i'm here right now-could you tell mr aizawa?" you sigh, squeezing your eyes shut. "yeah, i hope your mom's doing well, i'll call you later." "thank you, be safe!" you say before hanging up.

you looked in the window of the room, your mom laid in the bed with all kinds of tubes and patches on her, to keep her intact.
you shook your head and walked away down to the cafeteria to get you and your brother coffee.

you sat on the right side of your mothers bed, and silence fell between you two. only the sounds of hospital machines beeping
to keep her breathing.

you looked down at her hand and her fingers began to flinch, you page the doctor and hold her hand, as her brown eyes flutter open.

tears of relief spill from your eyes, as you caress your thumb over the back of her hand, as she smiles looking to you and tomura.

"has she waken up?" the doctor asks, you nod "yes! can you check her now? i know you guys usually have to after surgery," he nods.

after checking her vitals, stats, your mother was in good shape once again. your arms were around her, as she kissed your head.
"i'm sorry i gave you two a scare." she whispers.

"it's fine, all that matters is that you're okay." your brother says, and you nod. she chuckles softly and the three of you talk for a while before falling asleep with your mother like kids the night after a scary movie.

you blink a couple times, adjusting to the light.
walking out of the room closing the door behind you, and walking outside in the rain, noticing a familiar head of blond hair.

the blond notices the dried tears on your cheeks, making his heart ache, as you forced a laugh going to hug him.

you run up to the boy throwing your arms around him. he smiles, hugging you as well, starting to play with your soft hair, you look up at him stand on the tips of your feet, stealing a kiss from him.

"i'm glad you're here with me." you rest your head on his chest, with a smile. "and i'm glad i decided to come."

THANK U KENMASWASTAKEN for giving me an idea for this chapter 🙁i hope you guys enjoyed! did you notice the reference in the lyrics? "i woke up in the morning to see you standing in the rain what a shame" AHHH i love this song and story sorry for ...

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for giving me an idea for this chapter 🙁
i hope you guys enjoyed! did you notice the reference in the lyrics? "i woke up in the morning to see you standing in the rain what a shame" AHHH i love this song and story
sorry for any grammatical errors

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