My Kind Of Love;Chapter Thirteen.

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‘’What do you mean dad’s coming back?’’ I asked glumly, before shoving a huge spoon of my dinner into my mouth.

‘’I mean what I said. His flight is going to land in an hour.’’ My mother responded in a happy mood, fretting all over the house: trying to tidy it up.

‘’Why do I have to pick him up?’’ I asked, not caring that I was moaning like a child.

‘’Because he can’t get George to pick him up.’’ My mother responded still not facing me, happily scrubbing away the non-existent dirt from the table.

‘’Why not?’’

‘’Because he’s with his sick mother at the hospital. And chew with your mouth closed Rose.’’ Looking up from glaring daggers at the ground I saw my mum leaning over me with her hands on her thin hips. Not realising at first that I opened my mouth till my mother pointed it out, I opened it wider smiling up; showing my digestion of the food.

Scrunching her nose up, trait I obviously inherited from her, she smacked me on my head. Raising my arms up, I cupped the back of my head with my palm ‘’Hey!’’ I indignantly shouted.

‘’I warned you.’’

‘’Gee, who put the brandy in your tea?’’ I murmured, quietly. Not quietly enough as another smack resounded in the kitchen from my head. ‘’Hey!’’ I stupidly repeated, this time louder.

‘’Don’t judge me by the British culture.’’ My mum responded with a satisfied grin.

‘’Considering you are fully British, I think I can.’’ I shot back.

Feeling a palm collide with my skull, I ducked moving away from my mother holding my head. ‘’Don’t back sass to me.’’

‘’What’s wrong with you woman? I believe in words being more effective than violence.’’

Seeing as she was across the room and couldn’t reach me she rolled her eyes, snorting. Attractive, I know. Nice to know where all my traits come from. ‘’Is that why your principal has me on speed dial?’’

Gawking I stared at her, acting as if I was horrified. ‘’How dare you judge me by my past? That was then, I changed!’’ Crossing my arms, I looked up: only to see a flying rag flying towards me. Ducking, I plopped onto the ground crossing my legs over. ‘’You know, if you wouldn’t be my mother I would kick your ass.’’ I stated, examining my nails.

‘’Rose Yasmin Locke.’’

Jumping up I took couple of steps back before my mum could charge at me ‘’Woah, that’s my name but there’s no need to use the varsity wrestling skills. I am a woman of words!’’ Taking slow steps backwards, I warily eyed her as she picked up long wooden rolling pin.

Holding it in her right palm, she began to smack it against her left one while giving me ‘come closer’ crazed look. Shaking my head in shame I reached the doorway and got ready to dash away when a retort formed at the tip of my tongue ‘’If I would be you, I would put that down; you can already be mistaken as Hulk. You don’t want people to think you’re a psychotic hulk.’’ I watched at how my mother’s jaw dropped and she raised a hand to her face, tenderly touching her face mask.

Sauntering casually away, I cackled like a madwoman as she stood in middle of kitchen fuming. In middle of my laughter I walked into a hunched Damon who had arms wrapped around his midsection laughing, probably from hearing us argue.

‘’Rose! Get your father now!’’

Rolling my eyes at Damon, who was in fits of laughter, I twisted his ear instantly getting him stop laughing and stand up to my height. Towing him behind me I walked to the front door, quickly glancing down to see if Damon had his shoes on. He did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2013 ⏰

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