My Kind Of Love;Chapter Twelve.

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-It’s been what? A month, since my last update?

School was killing me with so many exams in one week, and last week after I wrote a chapter in between my revision time it got deleted. Like bitch hell to the no.

So here it is; Another A/N at the end. O.o


Towering over her, I looked down watching how fear crept into her dull blue eyes. Straightening up from the slouch she was when leaning on Ted’s arm she drew herself to her full height matching mine, reluctantly looking straight into my eyes.

Smirking, I crossed my arms ‘’ Look around you.’’ I began, in a cold taunting voice ‘’ You’re making a fool out of yourself. Can you say pathetic? The guy you claim loves you, is shrugging you off like you’re an insect while declaring the fact that he loves another girl front of the whole school.’’ Clucking my tongue I leaned in closer, as if I was telling her something intimate, I heard how my voice changed into cadences; soft, persuasive and harsh. ‘’Who would love the chick, that is coming off as weak, clingy and desperate.’’

Drawing back I noticed her whole posture was stiff and she was blinking rapidly trying to hold her tears back. Dropping my smirk I watched, cold and distant not feeling smug that I broke her down: I delivered what I wanted to and now I was just waiting for what would happen. Finally she broke her frozen posture and glanced around at the people that that were looking at us whispering and pointing clearly oblivious that we were looking at them. Facing me, her mouth popped open and closed again.

Suddenly a short blond popped beside her and grabbed her elbow ‘’Come on Luce. Let’s go. It’s not worth it.’’ she spoke urgently before looking at Ted giving him a dirty look ‘’He’s not worth it.’’. Steering her by the elbow, she dragged Luce beside her, walking towards the door. A bunch of snotty girls snorted when they walked past their table and tripped Luce, making her stumble.

My temper flared when I saw what happened and how everyone was lapping the show up: speaking up my voice came out with a harsh edge.

‘‘Do you all want some popcorn while you’re at it?’’ All eyes were on me and I twisted my mouth in a cold smirk before looking towards where Luce was just past the table that tried to trip her. Drilling my eyes into the chick that tripped Luce I wiggled my fingers, my voice sharp yet sugary ‘’I suggest you leave them alone Goldilocks. Unless you’d like to be the one that would end up face first on the ground.’’

The silence that went through the dining hall till the main door was opened and the hinges squeaked. Looking towards the entrance, I saw Luce being ushered through the door by her friend. One leg through the door her friends stopped glancing back, holding my stare for mere seconds before nodding and slamming the door behind her. People turned back to their friends already gossiping and my lips curled in disgust at their behaviour.

Raking a hand through my hair, anger filled my veins and I marched back to the table plopping down in my seat. Resting my forearms on the table, I peeked through my hair that I left down in the morning, looking at Ted who stood frozen, still in the same place. An arm settled around my shoulders and pulled me close to their side, and a whiff of cologne hitting me in the nose made me realise it was Logan. Resting my head on his shoulder, I clenched my jaw hard pissed.

Exhaling through my nose I looked up at Logan, whose face was blank face. I sighed and reached out towards Logan’s face; however before I made contact the bell rang and Logan stood up dragging me to stand beside him.

‘’Get your hand off my girlfriend. I want to talk to her.’’ An angrily clipped voice spoke up behind us. Remaining calm on my last nerve, I turned around, Logan’s arm still securely around my shoulders.

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