My Kind Of Love;Chapter Nine.

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''I'm sorry. I lost my phone number, could I have yours instead?''

The hand that was raising a can of coke to my mouth paused, and I looked up at a guy, little bit taller than me with brown shaggy hair and brown eyes standing beside me. Suddenly laughing, I pulled the coke away from my face before looking into the guy's eyes '' Good one. But I'm taken.'' With those words I turned on my heel and looked around the room ignoring the guy behind me. People were still dancing all over the place, completely dry humping their partners and some were slobbering inside other's mouth. Most of the party was wasted, and were making idiots out of themself.


'' Hey, can I have a picture of you so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas? ''

Annoyed, I turned around and looked at the same guy '' Aren't you too old to believe in Santa ? And do you give up?''

He shrugged before grinning and leaning closer '' Oh, I believe in lots of things. I could show you if you want. And no, I don't give up when a cute lady like you is involved.''

His breath reeked of alcohol and I pushed him away from me narrowing my eye's at him '' Go blow yourself away mate. I am not interested. ''

I turned around dropping my can on top of the table and walked across the room away from him, so I wouldn't bash his head in.

We've been here hour and a half and I couldn't want to leave more even if I wanted.

Why the hell am I the driver tonight ?!

Looking around I couldn't see Mel anywhere, which probably meant she was occupied in one of the room's with some random guy, looking to the left I saw Logan who was dancing on the dance floor with some chick and Damon was busy shoving his tongue down some chic's throat, Justin was the only one I had no idea of where he was.

I sighed bored, and looked around thinking of what to do. When I saw a door that led to the terrace at the back of the house I strolled towards it and made my way out. The crowd naturally parted for me and I didn’t have to push through the sweaty teenagers. When I have finally made it out I breathed in the fresh air and waited till my eyes got used to the dark, after couple of seconds I could make out two swings, couple of steps away from the back door, looking behind me I saw no one was around but me; so I made my way towards the swings and sat down. Grabbing the top of the swings, I started to move, swinging myself.

Tipping my head back, I looked up at the stars, while still swinging. Randomly my mind started to wonder to the family in the park, the new neighbours. Mrs Parker, and her husband what was weird is that I haven’t seen their son yet apart from the brief moment in the park. What about the red head girl then I suppose she must his sister.

‘’Can I join you?’’

Jason’s voice cut through the silent night and I looked at him before glancing at the swing next to me

‘’It’s a free country.’’ I replied smirking.

Jason just sat down and started to swing, a peaceful silence settle down between us and I involuntary glanced over at him. ‘’Not enjoying the party then?’’ I spoke, still looking over at him.

Jason turned to face me, not moving his swing anymore neither was I surprisingly.

‘’I could ask you do the same thing, but I was getting bored with the girl I was with.’’ He smirked before carrying on ‘’I boned her, and after that she decided that the deed we’ve done together put us in a relationship, and started to tell me her life story.’’

The corners of my mouth turned up at that, and I snorted ‘’ That was fast, we haven’t even been here that long.’’ I eyed him before carrying on ‘’Premature ejaculation is a sign of a problem with your soldier, you know that right.’’ I said amusement seeping out of my voice.

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