My Kind Of Love;Chapter Eight.

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''I feel good I got some time off,

girl its been so long.

Did you have fun?

'cause Ima need a cab just to get me home,

and maybe you can call in sick

and bring you to the crib and get all this, all this

I know, I know I'm blunt, but how real is that?

You want that feelin-.''

Reaching out with my free arm, I grabbed the phone that was ringing before answering with a mouthful ‘’Yes?’’ I mumbled trying to swallow, the huge bite of the burger in my mouth.

Hearing loud music along with someone shouts burst from my phone I pulled the phone away, wincing. Grabbing my drink I took a huge gulp, finally swallowing the food that was stuck in my throat. Pulling the phone back to my ear I listened intently if I could make out the voice on the other side. I forgot to check the I.D when I was reaching for my phone, so now I had no idea who it was.

‘’Who is it?’’

I could make out someone shouting in the background and a loud groan, after a second I could hear the music in the background becoming less loud. In a little while I could finally make out the voice on the other side. Logan.

‘’Where the hell are you? Mel texted me, that you were on your way half an hour ago.’’

‘’We were on our way, till the guys made me pull over. Including Mel. No one wanted to get wasted with an empty stomach.’’

‘’Good idea.’’

‘’Yea, whatever. We’re coming now, see you in twenty?’’

‘’Okay.’’ With that Logan hanged up and I pocketed my phone, before looking at the brothers who were stuffing their faces. I wrinkled my nose before speaking to them ‘’You do realise that no girl will go out with you if you keep stuffing yourself like a fucked up hamster.’’ After a slight paused I continued ‘’Or kiss you either.’’

Damon shot me a dirty look, while Jason just glanced at me before turning around.

I grabbed the couple of fries that were left on my tray and popped them into my mouth, looking around I saw Mel still standing at the same place as ten minutes ago, flirting her ass off with the guy behind the counter. I looked at my watch, before whistling loudly to catch Mel’s attention. When she turned around she sent me an annoyed look, I glared at her before gesturing towards my watch. She nodded before turning back around, I looked at the brothers and saw them both talking on the phone, rolling my eye I stood up and threw away my tray before grabbing the car keys and grabbing Jason arm to pull him out from behind me in the booth. Damon followed after him and I saw Mel standing next to the entrance door looking bored.

Making my way towards the door I pulled out my phone to message Logan.

On my way :)

Seconds later I got a reply and I opened my inbox to check the message.

See you soon, hot stuff ;)

I laughed about the ‘hot stuff’ I honestly thought Logan gave up with trying to find a nickname for me, guess not. I was about to message him back asking why in the hell he would try ‘hot stuff’ when I bumped into the guy from the counter. I took a step back and moved to the side to pass him when he blocked my way again.  Annoyed I glanced up.

‘’Is there a reason why you’re getting into my way?’’

He looked at me, and did a double take before stuttering ‘’Y-You Are-e..’’ he took a deep breath before rushing the words out ‘’Could you give your friend my number?’’ he mumbled it all fast together that it took me a second to click. I reached forward and grabbed the paper he was offering me.

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