My Kind Of Love;Chapter Seven.

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When I walked in Logan and Ryan were decent enough to keep their eyes on my face, or maybe it was due to the fact they knew me for a long time, while both brother’s gazes were raking over me. I cleaned my throat loud enough for both of them to look up.

‘’Out.’’ I said my voice tinged with annoyance.

‘’Damn, those legs go forever.’’ Jason said, while getting up causing them to all chuckle.

‘’Get out, dipshit.’’

Jason walked out, followed by the rest of them. I stood there for a second glaring at the wall before walking off to grab some underwear, plain shirt and sweatpants. Grabbing my earbuds from the nightstand I put them into my iPhone and shoved them on turning the music as loud as it would go. Slipping my iPhone into my pocket I grabbed my Hollister hoodie that I pulled over my head and went downstairs where all of the guys were sitting in the living room, playing games. I grabbed my sneakers and keys and walked out the door. Pulling one earbud off just in case, I started to run.

Couple of songs later I run by a house across our street that has been abandoned for a while, noticing there was a huge white moving van parked in the driveway. Slowing down I noticed couple of muscled guys taking furniture out of the van and into the house. New neighbours I guess.

Finishing my run around the neighbourhood, I started to slightly heat up as I made my way back to the house. My mum’s car was parked in, along with Ryan’s and Logan’s car. Walking in I grimaced as the guys were loud, cheering and whistling in the kitchen, pulling my shoes off I walked till I found them all standing around my mum who was baking them cake, no wonder they were happy.

‘’Hey mum.’’

‘’Hey, love how’s life?’’

‘’Good.’’ Picking a yoghurt from the fridge I perched on the kitchen stool ‘’How come you’re home early’’ I asked slowly.

‘’Oh, not many case’s for me today.’’

‘’So you didn’t stay after work to get ready for your next case?’’ I asked, making sure to make the question sound as emotionless as I could without putting sarcasm behind it.

My mum turned around and frowned ‘’No. Anyway we got new neighbours you heard?’’

Really, subtle way to change the topic eh? Remember, she’s the judge.

‘’You mean the house down the road? Just seen a van and couple of guys carrying furniture and stuff.’’

‘’Yep, if I remember right a girl your age and, and.. a brother close to your age too I think.’’

I nodded my head slowly and she continued ‘’It’d be nice if you would pop over there sometime and bring them something a cake or anything and drop it there.’’

‘’I’ll see.’’ With those words I tossed the remainder of the yoghurt into the bin. Walking into my room I looked at the clock just noticing it’s a little after four, and I was dead bored. All my friends were downstairs spending the time with my mom just for a cake, geez talk about cheap. I couldn’t decide on what I wanted to do so I had another shower, later standing in my closet wrapped in a towel my mum’s words echoed in my head. I grinned before picking out an outfit.

Wearing a peach coloured top with a see-through long sleeved top that had black flowers printed all over it, I picked along with it a black skirt that reached mid-thigh. Grabbing a hairband I used it to tie my hair in a messy bun with my fringe covering my forehead. My make-up was light you could barely see my eyeliner and my mascara. Grabbing my black flats, I set off to go down the stairs.

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