61. Explain

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He blinks a couple of times before staring at me with those emerald eyes that make it impossible to stay mad at him. 

"You look terrible." Are the first words which raspily fall from his mouth. 

I raise my eyebrows, staring down at him with my arms crossed over my chest. I am sitting on the end of the bed in the same position as I have been for the past hour and a half while I have been awaiting his consciousness. 

"Would you like to get up and take ten steps into the bathroom and look into the mirror. With those legs it'll probably take you seven steps."

"I think six." He smiles at me and picks up a pillow, positioning it behind his head to boost him up. He glances to the right and grabs his phone but it is dead. 

"It's 11:03am."

"Shit, my flight is in seven hours."

I nod my head. "Yeah, so you better take this and this to kill that killer headache that I know you have because we have a big day ahead."

He frowns at me while taking the glass of water and two pills from my hands. He pops both pills into his mouth and tilts his head back before taking a large sip of water. He swallows the pills and skulls the remainder of water in the glass before putting it down on the bedside table. 

"What do you mean, big day ahead?"

"Well incase you haven't noticed, we have a baby coming soon and nowhere for her to sleep."

Harry points to the place beside the bed. "What's wrong with here? I thought we established that she were to sleep here for the first few months?"

"Yes, but she will eventually need a room."

"So we can deal with that then."

I shake my head. "No, we need a place for all of her clothes, her change table, her toys and a rocking chair for me to sit in while I feed her. This room is way too small. Rachel's old room will be the perfect nursery. It's got my music things in there at the moment. I can move them into here and build the nursery. All the things we ordered are still sitting in flat packs in the garage."

Harry gets up and he is completely naked while he places his hands behind his head and stretches. My eyes wander down his torso, all the way down to his thighs, down his long legs and then back up again. When my eyes reach his face, I see a playful smirk on his lips. 

"Or we can forget about the flat packs and do something else." He walks over to me and bends down, trying to kiss me but I turn my head to the side. "You're mad at me? You texted me that you loved me. I thought we were good."

"Just because I love you, doesn't mean that I can't be mad at you."

"You should be the one apologising to me, hosing me. I could have caught a chill."

I laugh at him. "Harry, it's 27 degrees outside, you are not going to catch a chill. 

He walks into the bathroom and goes to the toilet. After flushing the toilet, he washes his hands. He walks back into the bedroom, shaking his damp hands. "I apologised last night. That apology was for everything. Walking out on you, saying that you drain me, calling Zayn, getting drunk-"

"Wow, wow, wow." I hold my finger up at him. "What did you just say?"

"I said that apology last night was for everything."

"I heard that bit. What was the Zayn part?"

"Want to slip me a few more of those pills? Make sure they're one's that make me sleepy so that I can crash for a few hours and avoid this conversation."

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