3. Set up

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I know it's rude to stare at people but since arriving at The Nice Guy, I've been captivated by this one guy. My guess is he's about twenty five years old. He has dark blonde hair, fair skin and even though I'm a short distance away, I can see his bright blue eyes that are highlighted by the lights above him as he sits at the bar.

The reason why I have been captivated by this guy is because I can tell he is interested in the girl three chairs away from him. He was previously accompanied by another male but he disappeared with a girl so he is now left on his lonesome.

He has been side eyeing this girl and staring at her, trying to not make it obvious. She hasn't noticed that he is keen on her, but I have. Little stalker Hailey up here in the corner of the VIP booth.

This girl is sitting with her friends at the bar and hasn't acknowledged the man who is fond of her yet. The girl stands up and it looks like she is about to go somewhere because she puts her bag over her shoulder.

Blondie decides to make his move and stands up as well. He looks at her and says something and she stares at him without saying anything. The guy signals one of the bar attenders and nods his head towards the girl.

He speaks to her once again and she frowns at him then looks over her shoulder at her friends. When she turns back to him she is laughing. She crinkles her nose and shakes her head at the guy before saying something to him and walking off.

I don't know what she said but by the looks of both of their body language, that didn't go too well. I was watching the girl walk off with her friends and they are all laughing. I then look back at the blonde guy and he has his head in his hands with his elbows leaning on the bar.

Perhaps that girl is the female version of Nathan and is extremely self centred.

The bar attender places two drinks in front of the blonde guy.

That was so rude of that girl, the poor guy had been working up the courage to talk to her for most of the night and she treated him like that. Fair enough if he tried to grab her ass or said a sly comment, then she had every right to act like that. But he looked so harmless.

My assumptions could be significantly incorrect, but still, she could have politely let him down.

Without hesitation, I leave my spot and walk over to the bar. When I get there the guy still has his head in his hands. I look at the drinks that haven't moved from their place that the bar attender placed them in.

"Anyone going to drink that?" I ask and when he brings his head up from his hands I point to the drink. His eyes widen as if he is shocked that I am speaking to him. He looks from me to the drink and shakes his head, sliding the drink towards me.

"I'm not a red wine kind of guy. I just seen a girl drinking - ah, you know what, never mind" he picks up his beer and takes a large gulp from the glass.

I take a sip from the wine glass and sit down beside him. "Go on, finish what you were saying."

He shakes his head.

"Come on" I encourage him.

"I will just bore you, believe me."

I shake my head. "She may not have given you her time, but I will."

A genuine smile makes its way onto his face and I can only hope that I can try to take some of the embarrassment away from what he is currently feeling.

"There was a girl who caught my eye. She had this beautiful, contagious laugh. It's what made me look at her in the first place. So call me creepy but I was listening in on hers and her friends conversations and she seemed like my type of girl. So I didn't know how to approach her and when I thought she was leaving I thought that I should grow some balls and finally speak to her."

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