46. Let Them See

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I am woken up by an urgent need to pee. Like, really urgently. I get up out of bed and waddle into the bathroom with my thighs pressed together. Thankfully I make it in time. With this baby always pressing on my bladder, I'm not sure I'll be so lucky next time.

While I am washing my hands, I hear whistling coming from downstairs. I turn off the tap and smile at myself in the mirror.

He's here.

I walk downstairs and see my mum sitting on the lounge with her mug in her hands. I look to my left and see Harry in the kitchen with his back turned to me,standing by the stove.

"Good morning." Mum chirps happily. She seems to be in a good mood today. Harry turns around to look at me. A laugh falls from my lips when I see that he is wearing my mum's I <3 cooking apron.

Dimples form in his cheeks as he smiles widely at me while heading my way. Harry wraps his arms around me and pulls me into him. I feel my stomach pressing into his abdomen and he gently pushes me backwards with his hands on my shoulders.

"No way." He says as his hand caresses my stomach. His eyes raise to mine before dropping back down to my stomach. "Your stomach has grown so much since I last seen you."

"That might be because I had a big dinner last night. I'm joking. My stomach is growing more and more every few days now. About a month ago I could hide it quite easily, but now it's getting real difficult."

Harry pulls me into another hug and I place my arms around his neck. We stay like this for a moment while Harry gently sways us side to side. I remove my arms from his neck and his hands slide down my back. He steps backwards so that he can see my stomach again.

"My little princess." He bends down and kisses my stomach. "You caused us quite the freight the other night. You like being the centre of attention, don't you? Just like your mother."

I whack his arm. "Excuse you? You are the one who loves the spotlight, Styles."

He laughs at me. "Who me? Never." He winks at me before running back over to the stove. "Shit Hailey, you distracted me. Liz, I hope you like your pancakes with some extra flavour."

Whoever thinks Harry isn't the type of guy to be in the spotlight, clearly hasn't seen his gold glittery boots. Or his bright shirt collection.

"Throw them out Harry." Mum says to him. "Nobody likes charcoaled pancakes."

"No, I won't waste them. With a bit of syrup they shouldn't taste too bad."

I walk over and look into the pan. The pancakes are the colour of Harry's t-shirt. I look up at him in disbelief. "You're not seriously going to eat those?"

He shoos me away with his hands. "Get out of my kitchen. Go sit your cute judgey butt down next to your mother and let me do my thing."

I hold my hands up. "Alright, alright."

When I turn around, he grabs onto my wrist and pulls me back to him. He kisses me. "Hi baby. I missed you."

I lean in and kiss him again. This time for longer. "I missed you too."

"Good, now go sit."

"Yes sir." I walk over to the lounge and sit beside my mum. "How was your baked dinner? You were already in bed by the time I got home."

"It was lovely. We watched that movie Brenda from work told me about. The one with Sandra Bullock in it? She gets married to the stranger."

"The proposal?"

Classic movie that one. I watched that for the first time on the plane when I moved to LA. It is one of those movies that you can watch over again and not get bored of it.

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