35. Baby nursery

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I place my two hands on the sides of my face with my elbows down on the kitchen table. I've been sitting here, staring at the paint colour charts for three quarters of an hour. I can't decide if I want the baby nursery to be painted a feminine colour or to be gender neutral. Harry thinks we should go gender neutral like white or pastel yellow, but then he said we should be bold and go for a colour like neon orange. 

"Look at all these shades of pink with their ridiculous names. Like it's clearly hot pink. Why call it funky monkey? Monkeys are brown."

"Let me have a look." Harry puts my guitar down and walks over to where I am sitting. He pulls out the stool beside me and takes a seat. He places his hand down flat on the colour chart and slides it over to him. "Wow, you weren't kidding. Those names are absolutely ridiculous, but it keeps things interesting. Do you like the hot pink?"

I shake my head and lean closer to Harry so I can also see the chart. "No,  I want something light for the walls. Like a baby pink similar to these two colours. Which do you like better? There's also these two colours that I like as well. You said you wanted gender neutral so I picked out this yellow and mint green colour."

Harry frowns as he stares at the paint colour samples. He runs his fingers over the two pink colours. "They're both the same colour, aren't they?"

I put my head in my hands. "I never thought I would be so indecisive whilst designing a baby nursery. I've always dreamed of designing my own. Are you sure you don't want to have more input?"

"I'll help with choosing the babies clothes, but everything to do with interior design I'll leave up to you my love."

Harry steals a piece of my toast and pops it in his mouth. It was cold anyway, it's been sitting there for a while and I got sidetracked. "Thanks, I was a little hungry. I have to pop out to see a mate but I'll be back in a couple of hours."

He grabs his keys from the table.

"Okay, see you soon."

"Your phones ringing, it's your mum." Harry hands me my phone. Maybe you should get your mums opinion on which of the two paint colours as that is super important."

I try to reach out to grab him but he dodges my hand with a cheeky grin on his face. He grabs onto my wrist to stop me from grabbing onto him and bends down to kiss my lips. 

"I love you."

"I love you too" he says to me before disappearing out the door. With a heavy sigh leaving my lips, I walk back over to the kitchen island where the colour chart is. I close my eyes and wave my finger over the chart. Wherever my finger lands, will be the colour of baby girl's room. 

I open my eyes to see that my finger isn't even on the colour chart. It is literally ten centimetres away from it on the kitchen table top. I laugh to myself before closing my eyes and trying again. 

When my finger lands on the page, it lands on a dark, olive green colour. I love my olive green turtle neck top, I wear it to death in winter, but I will not be painting my daughters room that colour. 

I glance down at the marble table top and tap my nails on it, enjoying the sound of my nails hitting the surface. You know, perhaps white wouldn't be so bad after all. It's gender neutral, might be a little boring but you can spice it up. My bedroom has white walls and it's boring now because all my furniture and bedspread is white too but when I was a teenager I spiced things up with an aqua duvet and pillows. 

We can implement Harry's neon orange desire and other colours to add pops of colour. Her stuffed animals and toys can be colourful too. I'll run that idea by Harry when he gets home.

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