22. Awake

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"That's when he leaned in and I thought he was about to kiss me but then he pulled away. After that I couldn't pay attention to the tv no matter how good the abs are in Baywatch. And the baby was kicking like crazy. My body was going crazy too and it's like the baby knows how I feel about its father. Can babies sense things like that or is that a major coincidence?"

I stare at Rachel whose chest continues to rise and fall. That's just about the only movement that we get form her. For the past week, the doctors have been slowly reducing her life support. They are hoping this will get her to respond in some kind of way or hopefully even wake up.

"Come on Rach. Harry's been gone for a week already and you have seven more days to wake up so you can witness my life come crashing down when I finally tell him the truth about the baby."

Again, absolutely nothing.

"Aaron's going to bring the kids in this afternoon. You've got a real man there sis. He is one amazing guy. I remember you crying in your room at night because yet again another asshole broke your heart. Grandma was there at the time when Noah cheated on you and she told you that one day the right man will come along and you will forget all about the pain you felt from all the other boys who upset you. She was certainly right, you found your man that made the others irrelevant."


It's Friday afternoon and Aaron just arrived with Tyde and Tori. Tyde has no idea what's going on and Tori is confused as to why she is at the hospital.

"Is Tyde getting more needles?" Tori asks and Aaron hands Tyde to me as he bends down to his daughters' level. Aaron reaches out and grabs onto her hands and smiles at her.

"No baby. You know how I told you mummy was away for work?"

Tori nods.

"Mummy was hurt in a car crash and now she is in hospital because the doctors are trying to help her get better."

She doesn't respond the way I expected her to. I thought she would have gasped or looked at the door and sprinted towards because she wants to see her mum. But instead Tori just stares at her dad silently.

"You okay?" Aaron asks her.

Tori nods. "Is mummy sick?"

"Mummy is..." Aaron looks away and blinks to keep his tears away. He turns back to her and opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

With Tyde in my arms, I bend down slightly, afraid to bend down completely because of the thought of squishing my baby. "Mummy is asleep and because of her car crash she needs a big sleep to get better."

She furrows her brows together and pouts her lips.

"Why is she asleep?"

Aaron stands up and is still holding onto one of her hands. "Do you want to see mummy?"

"Yes." Tori looks around and Aaron points to the door. "Mummy is sleeping in there?"

He nods and he pushes the door open. Tori stands by the door and stares at Rachel in the bed. I wipe under my eyes as it must be so hard for her seeing her mum like this. Not to mention how confused she must be.

"Mummy looks like that man in the show she watches. That hospital show."

Aaron turns around to look at me. "Rachel watches Greys Anatomy."

She's such a smart kid.

"The man in the show died. Is mummy going to die?"

Aaron bends down and picks her up. "Mummy isn't going to die. She is sleeping but you can talk to her."

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