19. Kicking Baby

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I ignore the cold sensation from the gel on my stomach and await the noise that has become my favourite sound. The sound of my child's gentle heartbeat.

"He/she is moving around a lot." Dr Avery tells me.

"Oh I know. I can definitely feel it." I laugh.

"You still don't want to know the gender?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Then perhaps you should look away for a second whilst I look around at a particular area." I do as she says and look away. "Okay, you can look again."

"Everything still good?" I ask her, hoping the answer is affirmative.

She smiles "perfect. Although maybe the baby is moving around a lot more because of your stress and I know it's hard to ask you this but could you try to not stress. Or stress less. For the baby's sake. Find something that calms you down and keeps you sane and focus on that. It will help. Believe me."

"Thanks Avery, I'll try."

"Good girl. That's your 20 week checkup done. I'll see you in two weeks. Well, I'll see you before that as you are at this hospital just as much as I am. But for the checkup is what I mean."

I smile and nod.

"Thanks again. I'll see you soon."

After my checkup I fix myself up to look somewhat presentable. I catch the elevator to Rachel's floor and then pay her a visit.

Aaron is in the room. Tori is at school and Tyde is at Aaron's mums place. During the weekdays, when Aaron isn't working, he is right here by Rachel's side. He is still working because it helps him keep his mind off things for a short while.

"Hey" I say to him as I shut the door behind me.

"How'd the checkup go?" He stands and gives me his seat and then goes to get the other one.

I thank him as I sit down on the chair. "It went well. I have to try to reduce my stress because the baby has been moving around a lot recently and it could be because of the stress."

"Maybe you shouldn't visit as much. I can fill you in on how she's doing. You just need to focus on yourself Hay."

"I know and I think you're right. But I still really want to keep seeing her so maybe I'll reduce the visits to every second day for now."

"Hailey" he says in a warning tone. "I will keep you posted. You know that" he half laughs.

I smile at him "I know you will but you know what I'm like. Dr Avery said I should focus on something that keeps me calm and sane to reduce the stress."

"And what is that? What is something you love so much that'll block out your stress?"

"The kids." I love them to death.

"I know you do love them but you can't tell me that bathing those kids and putting them to bed doesn't make you run around like a headless chicken. Not to mention how restless Tyde can be now that he is on formula instead of the boob."

I start laughing as he is right. "Okay, good point."

"You're laughing and smiling a lot more today."

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