10. Positive

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I wait out the front of the house for Rachel to arrive. She pulls up in her big white SUV and gets out with a plastic bag in her hands. I practically run over to her and take the bag from her.

"How are you doing?" She asks as we walk inside the house.

Mum is still in the same spot and she opens her mouth to say something. "Don't" Rachel warns her. "I'm sure you have already said enough." I haven't told her what mum said yet but I'm sure she can only imagine.

"I just really want an answer." 

That's honestly all I can thing about.

"Well, there's the answers." She points to the bag and I stare down at it. Rachel laughs at me "oh my god the instructions are simple. Just pee on them."

I open the bag and look inside. "Five?" I shriek. "How much pee do you think I have?"

"You don't need heaps of pee Hailey, I'll come help you" she pushes me towards the bathroom. When we get in there she starts taking the pregnancy tests from the boxes. "You need three for a certain answer as they may not always be correct. You don't have to take all five but I brought them just in case any of the other's were faulty."

"Oh god, oh god, oh god" I am hyperventilating as I stare at the pregnancy test that Rachel just placed in my hand. This small thing has the power to change my life in just a few moments.

"Just do it!" Rachel tells me. "You're not the only one wanting to know. This is just like a bloody cliff hanger at the end of The Bold and The Beautiful."

"Except this is real life and your sister could potentially be pregnant with a guys baby who - one, probably hates her and two, doesn't even want kids yet or anytime soon. He has made that very clear to me too."

"You're sure it's-"

"Of fucking course it's his!" I yell at her. "Sorry" I apologise as she holds her hans up in defence. He is the only guy that I have slept with for years.

Rachel opens up the third box and points to the toilet. "So do you need to go?"

"Yeah, I've been holding it in until you came. You know how much water I drink." I pull down my pyjama pants and sit down on the toilet.

"Don't freak out if you pee on your hand, I did the same thing my first time. Just hold it-" I open my legs and places the test beneath me "-yes that's perfect."

As you can see, my sister and I aren't shy in front of each other if you get what I mean. Growing up we would always see each other naked as it was just like looking in the mirror as our bodies are quite similar. The only difference is I'm a few inches taller and she's a bit bigger than me in some areas.

Her big boobs and bum are what won Aaron's heart, or so she tells everyone. He gets embarrassed and says it was her smile, but we all know he's lying. They are a perfect couple though. I strive for a relationship like that.

I begin peeing on the test and squeal as I accidentally move my hand too far in as I was shaking with fear. I have always wanted kids, but I am scared because what if I am pregnant.

Of course I will love the baby dearly and keeping it isn't even a question because of course I will, but this is Harry's baby too. Harry who made it clear to me that he didn't want kids until his thirties. Harry just turned twenty one and I turn twenty one in April.

As I continue to remind myself, I may not even be pregnant so I shouldn't think about all this just yet.

"Alright, now take that away and use this one. Stop peeing."

"I can't. I'm busting." I complain and she groans.

"You have core strength now use it!" She shouts at me and I squeeze my legs together to stop it. I pee on the second stick and I can feel my stream about to end. I quickly take the last one and pee on that. Rachel is holding the other two in her hands.

"You're literally touching my pee right now." I look at her with my face scrunched up.

"I have children of my own, I've felt with much worse than pee" she says as if it's nothing. Great, that's what I could potentially be looking forward to. I finish peeing and hand her the last test as I wipe and then flush the toilet. I then get up and wash my hands.

"Now what?" I ask. "Does it have an answer yet?"

"Just wait" she stares down at her hands that are holding the test sticks. I continue washing my hands and I decide to wash them again just to be sure all the pee is gone. I am pacing around the bathroom for around three minutes as Rachel stares frantically at the tests.

I almost knock my hand on the shower as Rachel's scream frightens me. My hands flew up as I went to place them over my chest.

"What?" I ask her and quickly walk over to where she is sitting and stare at the tests.

"You're pregnant!" She shouts, standing up to show me a closer look. I snatch the first test from her hands a little too quickly and see it for myself, the two tiny double lines.

I can't help the smile that ignites my face. Before I get too excited, I walk over to see the other tests. 

"What about these? You said that it could be incorrect sometimes" I look at the next one and see that it says 'pregnant'.

This test also has '5-6 weeks' written on it which is accurate because it has been five weeks exactly. This baby would have been conceived in the early hours of the morning on Saturday the 6th of September 2014.

"Rachel!" I squeal, looking at my sister who has a smile bigger than Luna at our local theme park Luna Park.

"Rachel!" I squeal, looking at my sister who has a smile bigger than Luna at our local theme park Luna Park

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I look at the third one and that is positive as well. "Congratulations baby sister!" She hugs me and I don't care that we both have my pee on our hands from holding the tests, I am too excited right now.

"Thank you" I squeeze her tightly and we just bounce around the bathroom, spinning in circles and hugging each other.

As I begin to settle down and take in the news that I am actually pregnant, a pain waves through my body. That pain is the realisation that I am in fact pregnant with Harry's baby. 

I need to tell him. It is his baby too. 

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