18. Brick Wall

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Almost every set of eyes glance our way as we enter the location of Beth's wake. For a brief moment the people look our way, exchange a glance with the person beside them or across the table and then they continue doing what they were previously. 

Anne notices my sudden uncomfortableness as the people eye me. I am paranoid that they know I'm pregnant when they stare for too long, even though they don't. She rubs my back and I mutter a quiet "thank you" to her.

"Do you want- ah, never mind." Harry clicks his fingers. "Sorry. I forgot you no longer drink." He smiles. "Mum, what are you having?"

"A glass of white sauvignon blanc thank you my boy."

Anne and I take a seat at the far left table and there is a spare seat beside me for Harry.

I place my phone down on the table and Anne places her hand over mine. She gives it a gentle squeeze as she leans into me.

"He still cares for you deeply, you know that?"

The last time Harry and I seen each other he was livid. He was beyond angry at me and never wanted to see the sight of me ever again. Whether he has had time to overcome his anger or he is high as fuck on something, he seems super calm and back to the Harry I knew before all the lies.

So when Anne tells me he still cares for me, it doesn't come as a shock to me because I know he cares for me. However I don't know if he's being nice to me because he feels sorry for me because my sister is in a coma.

"I'm still madly in love with your son, Anne."

"I'm so glad to hear that. I know that you two ended things for a reason but you can't blame me for praying that you two end up together again."

I smirk at her. "It's okay, I totally don't blame you." I want Harry and I back together too but I fucked up and probably lost him forever. So I understand if he doesn't want to be with me, despite having a child together.

Harry returns with a beer for himself and a wine for Anne.

"So Hailey, I know you weren't always the biggest drinker but on the occasion you liked to have something to drink. Was it something you planned to do or just decided it on the spot?"

The second I looked down at the double lines on the pregnancy test.

"That night in September in LA, you know the one I'm talking about." The night our baby was conceived. "I had too much alcohol and my body couldn't handle it. So that made the decision for giving up on alcohol even easier. It's time to look after my body again."

Because I have a baby inside of me.

"You have a great body, you don't need to change anything." Anne tells me and I look at her, thanking her. Beth's mum then enters the room and Anne excuses herself as she leaves to have a chat with her. Everyone is back from the burial now.

When I look back at Harry after Anne leaves, I see his eyes on my boobs again.

"Seriously Styles, if you're going to stare at least make it less obvious."

He puts his hands over his eyes. "I'm so sorry Hailey. It's really disrespectful of me but I can't help it. They are just there and they have got so big" he widens his hands in a claw like motion and holds them over his chest.

I laugh at him. "Yeah, they have."

A pregnancy perk. My boobs are massive. I even get shocked sometimes when I look in the mirror as I have always been apart of the itty titty committee. Imagine how big they will be when all the milk comes in.

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