34. Writing Together

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We are standing in line in the hospital cafeteria because Harry wanted a coffee. The man in front of us keeps turning around and looking at Harry. In particularly, staring him up and down. I know Harry has noticed because each time the man turns around, he gently elbows my arm.

At last, the man turns around and decides to speak to Harry.

"You know, you look a lot like that singer. From that band." The guy points to his hair and his eyes widen as he looks up at Harry's hair. "The one with the long hair."

Harry nods his head. "Yes, I know the guy you're talking about." The old man smiles. "He is very good looking."

"Yeah, it's a shame the music is terrible."

Harry looks at me and bites down on his lip to stop himself from laughing. He clears his throat before turning his head back to the man.

"Oh come on man. I really picked you as a fan of the music."

He shakes his head at Harry and waves his hand out in front of him before scoffing. "Absolute garbage."

The man turns back around as he is next to be served. Once the man is speaking to the girl behind the counter, Harry places his hands over his face and laughs into them.

"I don't believe him. I bet I'll see him front row at our next concert."


Harry is sitting on the lounge with my guitar in his hand, strumming along to some chords. I am sitting on the rug on the floor with my back against the lounge that he is sitting on. I turn my attention what from the television and start humming along to his chords.

"What song are you humming?" He asks me, looking up at the ceiling as he bites down on his lip, closes his right eye and partially closes his left eye. He is thinking hard about what song I am humming along to. "Sing the lyrics."

"Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor. Reaching for the phone because I can't fight it anymore."

Harry lowers his head and smiles down at the guitar before looking back at me. "An original?"

I nod my head with a smile and place my hand on the lounge behind me, using it for support as I stand to my feet. I sit down beside him on the lounge. I let out a large puff of air as I sink my back into the lounge. My back has been aching all day.

"I started writing it when we first broke up. The amount of times I picked up my phone and called you before quickly hanging up before it started to ring."

Harry sings along to the lyrics I sung to him moments ago.

"Picture perfect memories
Scattered all around the floor
Reaching for the phone 'cause, I can't fight it anymore."

"And I wonder if I ever cross your mind ... For me it happens all the time."

He adds his own lyrics and I nod my head as I sing them over in my head. They go along perfectly with the one's I wrote.

"It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now. Promised I wouldn't call but I'm losing control and I need you now. I-" I pause and look over my shoulder at Harry who is staring down at me. I need his help to finish the rest of the verse.

"I don't know why but I just need you now - wait, no." He stops strumming the guitar and places his hand flat against the timber. "And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now."

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