Chapter One: Starting middle school

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That transition from elementary to middle is really hard. You go from staying in one class to going to 4-8 classes a day, depends on what school you go to.

That first day of school is so exciting and your ready for and your just like "I've got this and no one can put me down" but then you see who is in your class and suddenly you aren't happy. You either have a few of your friends or no friends and your like "wtf." Your so bummed out that you don't wanna go to your next class. But then you realize that you maybe have some friends in your next class and hope to get there but with this new transition from elementary to middle, you are late for your next class and you get in trouble. When you finally get back, you see that this class is like the last one, no friends. You do this all day until you realize that all of your friends from your old school have no classes with you and you want to go hide in a hole. But you come back the next day because your mom told you to and you repeat this again.

Lets not forget the fact that diary of a wimpy kid told you that you could wear whatever you want and sit wherever you want in the cafeteria and basically do what ever you want. On that first day is when you realize that jeff kinney was wrong and there is another reason you want to go die in a hole.

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