Chapter 34: More substitute teachers

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It has come to my attention that teachers think a great time to leave school is the last 2 weeks of school. Since there is 6 days of school left, at least for me, I realized that I needed to start writing again. I've had a sub for like half of my classes because either the teachers are sick, hurt, at home with family, at graduations, or just didn't feel like coming to school. I've realized that if every teacher is going to be out of school, there are going to be a lot more substitutes with different personalities.

First is the sub that knows nothing about the classroom but thinks they do. I had a sub yesterday in chorus who was being super rude. Since we don't really have to do much singing, we were watching high school Musical 3 and answering questions. At the end of the day, the announcements came on and I tried to yell at the people in my class to be quite, since I'm supposed to run the class when our teacher isn't there. The sub yelled at me and tried to tell me that I wasn't allowed to do that.

Then there's the fresh blood subs. These are the subs that are fresh out of college. It's always fun to mess with them. It normally starts off like this. "Hello everyone! I'm (insert name here) and I'm so happy to be teaching you today. Let me tell you a little bit about myself..." You end up spending the entire period listening to their life story and you don't get any work done. Or maybe they stop half way through and then they let you do your work but because they don't really know the rules of the classroom, you can basically do what you want. These subs usually want to be a teacher but after they deal with your class, they don't want to anymore.

We can't forget about the teacher that is usually from a different country and decides to spend the entire class period telling you why you are privileged and should stay in school. We have this one sub that no one knows his name because every time he subs, he writes his name and in gift letters under his name, what country he is from. We all call him mr. Belieze because that's where he is from. You normally end up hearing the same speech three times in one class period if you have him. And if you sit there and ignore him and do your work, when you finish he praises you and tries to make everyone else feel bad. It's so weird and sometimes, I wish they would just shut up.

That's it. I can't think of others. Sorry for not updating in a while. But its almost summer!!!! Are maybe it's already summer for some people. I don't know your life. The next chapter will be they last and it has been amazing writing this book for you guys, but there will be a how to survive high school book, so yeah!

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