Chapter 32: Teachers pet

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We all know of that dreaded student that us always the teacher's favorite, even though they don't say so. But as one of the teachers favorites, it is great.

Let me explain. You don't have to always be the teachers pet, just at the beginning. You also don't have to kiss up to them. Just do your work and answer questions when asked and you get on their good side. After that, you are golden and if you do something wrong, you are less likely to get in trouble or you will get in trouble but not that much trouble.

I know that in some places, it really does help. For example, in band, if you are the teachers pet, they will normally tell you things they won't tell other students. They also let you get away with stuff. My band teacher let's me do what I want, as long as I do what he asks. My friend is the same way. In her band period, she wasn't feeling good so she went to the back of the room and slept. Instead of yelling at her, he went and checked on her and kept going with band. Now, you can't do this all the time because then you will loose your reputation. I garrentee that.

All of you people who insist on ignoring the teacher and yelling at them and not doing your work, they hate you. They will blame you first. Plus, why would you be that way? You are just way too much work for them. Also, everyone else hates you too. Just saying. I know people don't like teachers pets either but they like them more than you. So fix yourself.

Anyways, I just felt that I needed to do that because it's an essential part of school. Seriously, it has its perks. Don't forget to vote. Love ya, See you next chapter. Byee.

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