Chapter 21: P.E.

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Hello people! This is Nori_The_Ripper, and I'm here to talk about Gym. (One of ) The most hated class in school. First of all the sweaty clothes that you are forced to wear all week, and only get to take home on Friday's. (Lol I'm such a rebel. I take them home everyday.) Then, the possibility of breaking a body part. I'ma tell you of the time that I broke my finger in P.E. So one day last year, we had stations and my group was at the dumb bells to so some exercises, and of course I was in a group with my friends, and with out paying attention, I put the weights together on top of my right ring finger, which was out- and believe me I'm clumsy, weird, hyper person, who is completely NUTS!!! But I also don't know my own strength. So after the impact of my finger, I kinda yelled out a curse word (or two) and I look down at my finger, and what do you know, my finger is swollen and purple, it was the size of one of those jumbo grapes. So I told the coach about it, and do you know what he said? He told me, (My last name), go sit on the bench, and quit whining about it. I'll have (boy name) get an ice pack from the locker room. So, with my swollen, and throbbing finger I sat down doing everything I could to get it to stop hurting. The kid came and tossed me the ice pack and went to go talk to the coach, when he was distracted I went and asked the woman coach, Coach Seibert, if I could go to the nurse, but all she did ways say that she couldn't contradict the other coach.

~Lets skip to the end of the period~

Since I had P.E for eighth period, we went home right after the period was over, not only that but since I was a car rider, I was able to complain to everyone I know. When my dad was there to pick me up, I did the obvious thing, and said to my dad, " Is my finger supposed to look like this?" I swear I have never been so grateful for seatbelts in my entire life. My dad took a look at my finger, slammed the brakes and took a closer look at my purple, bruised,throbbing, bent outta shape finger... Thank god we were right in front of our house. ...Lets just say that I had to do almost everything to stop my mom from hopping in to the car and start screaming in rapid fire Spanish to the coach.
A few weeks after I got my finger brace, the results come in and. I turns out I had broken my finger. Well, long story short, P.E IS A TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE THING... (Unless you like sports, and all the injuries that come with it.) It's been fun talking to you guys, and comment below with your comments about the chapter, and check out my stories, Invisible, a Jelsa two-shot. Don't Forget Me, an Attack On Titan Levi x Reader, and Never, a horror story through out the ages! Well, the books are calling me! I gotta go, and don't forget to vote, and comment! LOVE, Nori_The_Ripper (~.^)

A/n. So I don't have P.E. Thank you Nori_The_Ripper for writing this for us. Please comment and vote for this chapter. If you would like nori_the_ripper to write some more chapters, please comment. Anyways, thanks for reading. Byee

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