Chapter 23: Car Riders

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So I know not everyone rides the bus but the majority of people do. This chapter is for the people that don't ride the bus. This will include walkers and bike riders.

Sometimes being a car rider is easier than riding the bus. It's air conditioned, not as loud, and you're not in the car as long. You also don't have to socialize with other people. I also know that sometimes it could take longer than the bus because the bus goes to one or two stops then it goes to school and you're there in 5 minutes. But either way, it doesn't matter. I prefer the car because it has ac and I don't have to socialize.

Walkers and bike riders are different. First of all, where I live, we are the definition of hot. It may not get as hot here like it does in other places during the summer like Texas but it stays hot the longest. Its November and its finally starting to get into the low 90s as the high where as in other places, its already snowed. So being a walker or bike rider is brutal. I imagine its the same in other places where it snows from November to April but you get snow days. We don't. But I still imagine its brutal when they do make you go to school when it's snowing.

That's all I've got for this chapter. I know I've been kind of random with when I post a chapter but I just don't have any ideas. So please vote for this chapter. I'll see you next time I post a chapter. Byee!!!

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