First Day of Preschool Pt 1

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(Thank you That1human100 for this idea!

Izuku Midoriya:
He knew this day was coming but he wasn't ready for it. He was so used of you staying home with him. He was crying as he held you close, not wanting to let you go "Papa, I have to go" "I-I know..I just don't wanna let m-my b-baby go" You kissed his cheek and walked to your school, waving to him "Bye Papa! See ya after school!" "B-bye Y/N! I'll be here when school is out!"
_____________after school_____________

Izuku was there like he promised when you ran out of school "Papa! Papa! I had a great day at school!" "Oh what did you do today?" He asked as he picked you up, walking home "I did finger painting, played with clay, played at the dramatic play (anyone played or had a dramatic play at their preschool? Yes? No? I did), fed the school pet, Fluffy the rabbit and got a gold star for being good!" "That's awesome! I'm glad you had a good day at school" "Mhm! I can't for tomorrow!"

Katsuki Bakugo:
"And remember to show them who's boss when someone is picking on you, ok?" "Yes Daddy" "Good, now go and kick some ass!" "Hell yeah!" He watched you ran to school, smirking knowing you were gonna be good. You are his kid but he wants you to be a good person unlike him when he was growing up. He didn't want you to be a egotistical person like him

_____________after school_____________

He watched you ran to him and hugged his legs tightly "Hey N/N, had a good day?" "Yep!" "Did anyone picked on you?" "Nope!" He picked you up and went home "That's good but you know what to do if something started to pick on you?" "Yep!" "Good, don't forget it" "I won't!"

Tenya Iida:
He made sure you had everything for school, it was like you were being sent on a quest like in one of your stories. "Now remember Y/N, be good and don't let anyone pick on you ok?" "Yes Father" "Good, now I'll pick you up when school ends" "Alright" He watched you walked to school and went home and waited for the school day to end.

_____________after school_____________
He watched you walk to him and picked you up and walked home "Did you had a good day?" "Yes Father, I finished my work before the others and read most of the books too. The teachers said I have the knowledge of a second grader and should go to elementary" "Well I don't want to move you up two grades up, I want you to finish preschool ok?" "Yes Father" "But at least you had a good day"

Denki Kaminari:
He woken up late and ran you to your school, telling the staff in the office what happened. They understood and brought you to your class as your dad went home.

___________after school_______________

He picked you up and brought you home "Did you have a good day Y/N?" "Kind of, they were in a middle a lesson and I didn't know what to do so I got so nervous to ask but I did drawn a little and read some books but overall, I had a good day" "That's good and next time, we're not staying up late watching vines. Those are for weekends only"

Shoto Todoroki:
He was somewhat worried about sending you to school cause 1. You're a Todoroki and paparazzi will go crazy, trying to take pictures of you or try to ask questions and 2. He didn't want to let you go yet but soon when he brought you to school, no paparazzi and a lot of nice kids for you to hang out with. "Ok Y/N, you be good ok? I'll come pick you up after school." "Ok Dad!" You hugged him tightly and ran to your school.

_____________after school_____________

"Dad!" You ran over and hugged him tightly as you held a picture you drew in class. "Hey Y/N, how was school for you?" "It was good! I made friends in class and I draw today!" You showed him your drawing and it was a drawing of you and him. "This is amazing, I'll definitely hang it up on the fridge."

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