Chapter 1 - the new guy

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♡5 300 Comments 95_y/n

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_y/n. Why don't they give me coffee at work when I come in at 5:30?
Coffee. I NEED COFFEE. Why can't they have a coffee shop at work? Or at least a café or restaurant that doesn't only serve coffee tasting tea.

"You know there is caffeine in tea right?" My best friend at work, Sofie, said for the millionth time.

"But it's just not as good! It doesn't give you that kick in the but I need every morning. It's just like a small push, nothing more." We were at work, standing outside of a few cells just talking quietly since most of the guys were sleeping.

"You need to get this addiction under control. Sooner or later you'll be drinking the inmates coffee." Where are we working you ask? At an all men's prison. Me and my bff were the only women in a ten miles distance from here only because we were stronger and tougher than most of the guys at school.

"Why didn't I think of that? I could just take their coffee and say that they were out today!" I say a bit too loud.

"You know we can hear you, right?" Said a beautiful south american voice standing just behind me. I got scared but had trained myself not to be so jumpy. So I simply turned around and saw the nicest and hottest prisoner I've ever seen. Must be the new guy.

"Well, hello there! What's your name?" I ask a bit too suggestively so Sofie elbows me at my side and I remember I'm at work and he's a criminal while I'm the security guard.

"It's Arvin, Arvin Russell. And what might your name be sweetie?" He said winking and touching my hair which I had forgotten to put up because I HAVE NOT HAD COFFEE!

"Y/n, your guard and no sweetie to you." I said in a stern voice not giving away a smile. I took my hair tie and put up my hair and gave him my best bitch face. I remembered that name, he was accused of killing three or four people, but said himself none of that had happened and that he's set up by the millioners accusing him.

"You can have my coffee if you want, I can go a day without it, but you will owe me one." He said with the same smirk. I really contemplated it, but...I've learnt from past experience you should never owe an inmate, after all they're there for a reason and no simple reason at that.

"And what will that favor be?" I ask not giving away any emotion.

"That is for me to know and you to find out, baby. Now, do you want my coffee or not? You're the one getting me my breakfast after all so it should be easy sneaking that coffee over." He said wiping away his smirk and looking all business. "It's now or never."

"Fine, I'll get you your breakfast and take your coffee. Just know that favor can not be anything illegal or break any rules in here" I said not really thinking twice because my draw for coffee was too strong.

In love with a prisoner - Arvin RussellWhere stories live. Discover now