chapter 9 - blast from the past

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♡ 57 932 Comments 390_y/n

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♡ 57 932 Comments 390
_y/n. Is this the closest we'll ever be able to be in public?
arvindo.russler of course not baby, on Saturday I'll make sure to kiss you in front of everybody.
"Darling~" I could hear someone calling me but I don't know from where. It sounded like Arvin but he's in prison so it gotta be someone else. "Baby~" I opened my eyes and saw... Nobody... Then I heard that voice again and looked to my left where my phone was laying and saw I was on a call with somebody. And that somebody was Arvin. "Are you still sleeping? You should be at work in 30 minutes" I opened my eyes in shock, 30 minutes!?

"What? What are you talking about?!" i sat up and looked at the clock showing 7 am remembering I don't have work today.

"Sorry, I just wanted you to wake up darling." I could just sense that sly smirk on his face.

"Ugh! why you gotta do that, baby? I don't even have work today!"

"I know, I just wanted to see your sleepy face, it's probably super cute." He called me on face time and I accepted. "It's true! You're cute any time of the day!"

"Ugh, I have to get to brunch now, bye~"

"No! Wait, I uh- can we stay on face time while you're getting ready?"

"Uhh, fine!" I say nervously, today somebody was gonna pick me up for breakfast and I was not looking forward to it. Arvin just looked at me while I was fixing my makeup, put on a jeans jacket and while fixing coffee.

"Why are you fixing yourself up so fancy?" He said with a slight smirk.

"Um, I'm going... I'm going for some breakfast with some... With somebody that I don't really like but I have to." I tried not to frown but it was hard.

"Why do you have to, darling?" He said with a curious face, being super cute.

"Eh, it's just that they wanted to meet me to catch up but they don't know how much I've had to work to get over them."

"Really? Who is it?"

"Nobody special, you wouldn't even know if I told you." I heard the doorbell and quickly said goodbye.

"What about your reward?"

"I'll just take it tommorow or something." I really don't want to hang up but without letting him say another word I do.
"Hello, gorgeous."

"Don't call me that."

"What? You've gotten a bit fiesty since we last met." That dumb smirk, I'd kill to see it a few years ago but now I just wanna kill him.

"Shut up and just order." Where am I right now, you ask? On a breakfast/brunch date with my ex. Yup, that ex, the one who left me after I got him out of prison. We bumped into each other the other day after my blind date and exchanged numbers even though I didn't want to.

"I'll have a grilled cheese sandwich, please?" He said winking at the girl standing before us.

"Me too, with a yogurt and granola on top."

"Still your favorite breakfast, huh?" He said after the waitress left. The man's name is Harrison (sorry Haz) and while he is very handsome I can remember now all the warning sings in his behavior I should have seen. For example, he always hurt me when making out, I would have bruises on my hips and legs afterwards and I just thought this is how it went with everybody. But then Arvin is so caring and has such soft touch I knew I am more than just a sex toy.

"Yup, any problem with that, Harrison?"

"Nope, none at all." He winked at me and I just turned my stern face away from him. I wish Arvin was here right now, so I could just cuddle up to him and not have a care in the world about Harrison or anything. "How has you been doing these last few years? I've been meaning to call but changed phone so didn't have your number."

"I've been good, still working at the same prison. Glad to have not seen you there though."

"Yup, I've been cleaning up my life even more. Sorry, by the way, about leaving the way I did. I just never felt like I deserved you and couldn't bring myself to call out to you. You're just so special and beautiful and I felt like you deserve better than a broken man like me. Though now..." He smirked again and I just rolled my eyes. Should I tell him about Arvin?

"I actually... I actually have a um... Have a boyfriend...?"

"You don't seem so convinced of it."

"Well, we haven't really talked about us in official terms, but if I would choose he would definitely be my boyfriend." What are we, actually? Dating? We haven't gone on a date yet though. Boyfriend and girlfriend? I have to ask him the next time I-

"So... It's not official yet? You're still up for grabs?"

"I'm not "up for grabs", for your information, nobody can grab me. Plus, he cares for me like you never did."

"Oh, I cared for you, I just have a difficult way of showing it." I didn't want to know what was going to happen next but from his hand on my thigh I could only imagine the worst.
"So, how did that breakfast thing go?" I called Arvin the second I got away from Harrison, I really needed a 'pick me up'.

"It- it- can we talk about you for a second, please?" I started to tear up, not wanting to talk about that horrifying thing he did.

"What- darling? Are you okay? Do I need to punch somebody? Because I will the second I can find away out of this hell hole." He is so caring, so sweet. "Are you crying? Baby, don't shut me out, okay? Let me in!"

"I- I don't know... I don't know what to say I- he- I can't take this anymore." Just there, I just broke down, sitting in the hallway with my back to the door crying, not caring if any of my neighbors walked by.

"It's alright, I'm right here, darling. He can't hurt you, alright?" I could hear the stress in his voice. "Darling, in half an hour the visitor hours start here at the prison. We could meet if you just put on a cap, a pair of sunglasses. Could you do that? Grab a nice cap, a hoodie, and sunglasses."

"Okay, I think... I think I can do that." I dried the tears from my eyes. I can't believe I let him do this again.
This was a kinda sad chapter, but sadder it will be, so don't worry! I got some angst inspiration and I just wanted to put it in with a bit of a plot twist.

I showed my friend a picture of Tom the other day, this one:

And she said, quoting, " Is that your boyfriend?" Me: "I WISH HE WAS MY BOYFRIEND! But sadly no, he's not

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And she said, quoting, " Is that your boyfriend?" Me: "I WISH HE WAS MY BOYFRIEND! But sadly no, he's not..."

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