chapter 5 - date night

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_y/n. Can't believe I'm saying this but tonight is date night.
arvindo.russler what? you're going on a date without me? This relationship is over! :(

_y/n. Sorry, Arvin, mom's forcing me on a blind date. But you're the only one for me! :D

arvindo.russler I hope so! :D

Finally, a Saturday night with just me and my bed- oh, that's right, I'm going on a date... I don't even remember why I let my mom do this, I could get a better date on my own but she insists that I go with one of the sons of her coworkers. She always says "Their dad is cute and so the son should also be!" And it always shows that her taste in men is only getting worse since dad died.

Yea, I only have my mom. She's the best except for at the family gatherings where I'm the only one without a partner. She's always like "You're 29, you need to put yourself out there, and I will help you with that." I simply scoff and start talking with my kusins instead. I truly love her, just not enough to have the same taste in men. I like bad boys, guys who compliment me and those who aren't scared of other people's opinion. And, Arvin fits all of those boxes.

I was considering skipping the date, after all it was Saturday and I had better things to do. But then I remembered last time I never showed up for a date and the guy would have been perfect for me but I never got him. So, now in the dressing room at work I change into a nice and "girly" outfit to wear.

I walked out of the changing room and once again Arvin was the only one there for he had gone to the toilet during some training.

"Well hello there gorgeous." He smiled down at me. Yea, did I tell you? He's 10 centimeters taller than me. He just walked up to me and when he was only a few centimeters away from me he stopped. "I wish it was for me you were wearing this beautiful outfit for. Are we going on a date or what? After all next week is my first parole." He touched the fabric of my dress near my collarbone and I looked at his eyes and blushed.

"Oh, when's that?"

"This next Saturday"

"Great, where do you want to go on the date?"

"It's a surprise." He smirked and just then I remembered that he's still a prisoner and I'm still the guard.

"Now, I still know taekwondo so if you don't take a step back I won't hesitate on using it." I tried to sound intimidating but it just came out as an angry bunny. He leaned down not caring about what I said and when his mouth was to my ear he spoke with a whisper.

"I'd like to see you try, darling. Now, go onto your date but remember this; I'll be thinking of you and that cute dress on my bedroom floor." I- I- I can't even think straight when he said that. He simplywinked at me with that devilish smirk and turned around leaving me stunned to the spot. I needed to hold my hand to the wall not to faint.

"That boy is gonna be the death of me."

"So, what do you do for a living?" The man asked, his name I couldn't remember because all my mind was thinking of was Arvin and what he had said earlier. I'm gonna kill him tomorrow.

"I, uh, I'm a prison guard and the director."

"Wait, really? That's so cool! I could never do that, I'm too much of a coward." He laughed a bit at his joke but I didn't see the funny part in it. He had bearly looked into my eyes this whole time and their focus was instead on my boobs. I just wanted to slap him and tell him that my eyes are up here but didn't want to disappoint my mom.

"Yup, I've been working there a few years now also as a therapist for the inmates. It's very nice and-" all of a sudden my phone was ringing. It wasn't a normal call but on facebook messenger. I looked at the screen in shock and excused myself from the conversation. The second I pressed "accept" I heard a raspy voice saying "pretend I'm your boyfriend and that you have to come home." I just looked at my date and didn't know what to say.

"Who is it?" The man asked.

"Um, my boyfriend." He looked totally shocked. "Hey babe, why are you calling me right now, I'm having dinner with a... Friend."

"I know you're not with a friend stupid, put your date on the phone right away." I just gave the phone to the man and he took it with big eyes.

"Hello?" I could only hear this side of the call but from what I knew about Arvin this is not gonna end well. "I'm just a friend. No. Yes. Oh? You're her boyfriend? And... You're in prison?! Wha- okay... Yea, never again... Sure. Bye." He gave the phone to me and without hanging up the man left me alone and I just stared weirdly at his back.

"What did you tell him, Arvin?"

"Just that I'm your boyfriend and I won't hesitate breaking out of prison to kill him. Oh, and that he should never again look at your breasts."

"How- but- how did you know he was looking there?"

"I'm a man, y/n, I know where we look and I know if I was in his position I wouldn't be able to take my eyes off of them either." I could literally hear the smirk in his voice and just shook my head disappointedly.

"Ugh, good bye!"

"By-" I hung up before he could say anything else. At least I can go home now and get at good night's rest.

♡ 13 493 Comments 161_y/n

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♡ 13 493 Comments 161
_y/n. I like bad boys, not the ones who are scared of their own reflection.
arvindo.russler Well, good for you, I'm the worst of the bunch.

_y/n. As if I would ever date you.

arvindo.russler what's holding you back?

_y/n. I don't know... Prison?

arvindo.russler now that's no good excuse!

In love with a prisoner - Arvin RussellWhere stories live. Discover now