chapter 6 - confession

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♡ 7 690 Comments 71 _y/n

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_y/n. I can't belove I have to work on a Sunday...
"Good morning gorgeous." As I stepped into work, still in my own clothes, I heard the voice of the person I was dreading to meet.

"Morning Rusell." I tried to sound casual but the more I tried the worst it sounded.

"What have I done to be able to see such a  beautiful woman this early in the morning?" He smirked at me and I just rolled my eyes. "By the way, how did your date go last night?"

"Oh wonderful! He was the sweetest but sadly this dumb man called me in the model of our date cutting out short." I pretended to be sad but I really wasn't."

"Oh, really? I have to thank that man then." He mumbled but I could hear him. "Is he handsome?"

"Actually? No, he's really ugly and I could never see myself with him." I smirked a bit.

"Oh, really? I thought he was almost as handsome as me."

"He is! You're just not handsome."

"You're eyes tell a different story." And that smirk is gonna kill me one day.

"Oh, really?"

"Yup! They have a really hard time leaving me and my biceps alone. Remember that one time I was at the gym and took of my shirt? They could not leave me alone for one second! I felt harased by your eyes." I just stood there blushing a bit because I thought he hadn't noticed that time. I just imagined he took that shirt off because he was sweating but maybe it was to give me a show. "Do you want to join me at the gym today? I could help you with a few exercises to go down in weight."

"Are you calling me fat?"

"What?! No! You're gorgeous and beautiful, I just thought all girls wanted to loose some weight if they had the chance." He looked totally petrified.

"I'm just joking with you! Of course I'd like to join you. Now I have to change though." So, I simply went to the changing room.
"Think about where you're putting the efforts at. Is it your tummy or your neck? You want it to be here." Arvin put a hand on my lower torso and I held my breath. He was showing me some easy things to do to quickly loose weight. "Now, do it yourself."

"Okay..." I did it myself and it felt to much easier getting all that help from him.

"Where have you learnt all of these exercises?" I asked in astonishment after we were done going towards lunch.

"Well, I'm actually a personal trainer." He said smiling a bit. "I've been it for the past few years now and I find it very relaxing going to the gym and training. It's a different kind of comfort - different than what you get from other people."

"So, is it like a coping mechanism?"

"You could say that, it's at least a way to put my mind at something else than my feelings. Even though sometimes it only strengthens my feelings and I understand them more. Especially when the feeling is love towards someone." I smiled at him in recognition, I had also seen the gym as a way to cope with heartbreak after my ex left me. That's how I lost so much weight in only a year. Before I was seen as overweight but now I'm normal weight.

"That's nice! I was overweight a few years ago and when my ex broke up with me the gym was my therapist. I lost around 18 kg, and I feel so much better now. But since I lost so much I'm kinda insecure about my body..."

"Why? You're beautiful!"

"Thank you, but I have this access skin, especially on my stomach, and the doctor says it's only a waste of money to try and fix it. I haven't been with a man since I lost my weight. To be totally honest I've never been with one at all..." I mumbled that last part because it was only partially true. I had almost gone all the way with my ex but stopped him before he let it go further. I didn't think Arvin heard that last part but it seemed like he did because when we sat down to eat he was very awkward and blushed a lot.

"So... What did you do after you hung up on me last night?"

"Eh, nothing much. I just went home and watched a movie then slept. Nothing exciting."

"Really? You never thought of what I said yesterday?" I could see the smirk creep upon his lips and I knew exactly what he was thinking of and of course I thought of that.

"No, what did you say? I can't even remember." I lied really badly. Just because you know how to see if someone's lying doesn't mean you get better at it.

"That I would be thinking of you, in my bed, with that cute dress on the floor." He whispered into my ear and I was blushing so bad because he was so close to me.

"Now why would I be thinking of that?"

"Well, because I never told you where my clothes would be laying." He winked and stood up to take away his dishes and I just followed him with my eyes. I could see he saw me looking at him, but that didn't make me look away, it only exited me even more.
"So, did you talk to your friend, Sara, about being my lawyer." We were now on our way back to the "living room" of the prison after eating lunch. This is where people most often hang out.

"Yea! She was exited to help and I gave her your number so you should get a text or call pretty soon from her." I said smiling a bit.

"Great!" He smiled a goofy smile I've never seen before. He was really excited to get out of here.

"Didn't know you would be this exited to not see me every day..." I said sarcastically.

"Of course I'm not exited to not see you, I love you after all, I'm just-" I believe he just noticed what he said when I stopped in my tracks. "I-I-I didn't mean... I mean, I meant it but didn't at the same time? Like, I- uh, I like you?" I was just blushing but internally freaking out.

"Right, it doesn't matter. I have to go on my break now."

"Wait!" Before I turned to go out of his sight he stopped me by taking my hand."Do you- uh, d-do you feel the same way?" He looked so nervous and I'd never seen him that anxious for my answer before.

"Um... Yes?" After I said that I quickly ran towards the personnel room and when I got inside I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding. What was that? Arvin likes me? And I just told him I felt the same?! I must be crazy! I've only known him for less than a week but that love was only growing. I have never felt like this but it was exiting but still nerve-wracking.

In love with a prisoner - Arvin RussellWhere stories live. Discover now