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I am sitting here, in a cave filled with wyverns with a broken leg and one about to blast me to bits, oh please something save me.

I hushed Soren as he hissed, he might just be making it worst.

my leg.... I felt the bone has shifted when I put my hand on it, broken and a part of it pushed up but still having the two pieces basically resting in almost the right position.... I can fix it.... If I survive....

I hushed Soren again as I set him down next to me snapped my fingers twice to keep him from moving.

I carefully bent my leg and maneuvered it so I was kneeling with it as my right non broken leg was used to stabilize myself.

I slowly reached up a hand, shaking it fear.

I jerked back when the wyvern tried to bite my hand off before lifting it again, hushing softly as I reached out for it.

I brushed my fingers on its nose and it huffed, I ducked my head, hand still up, what am I doing? this is a wild wyvern? Even those in the academy weren't like this one, it is so huge.... So wild... So feral....

I felt scales on my palm.

I was amazed this beast had pressed its nose in my palm, I expected it to somewhat work in the arena because I was promising them freedom if they would trust me but right now I was offering nothing but the fact that I was of no harm to it which by far shouldn't be enough for a wyvern like it was.

I gently rubbed the scales as it huffed a cloud of smoke out before it pulled its head away.

I hugged Soren to my chest as he was chirping for my attention but I kept eye contact with the big one.

I let out a broken scream as it flew up and grabbed my shoulder, claws digging into the leather shoulder parts of my outfit and flew off.

The leather straps holding the shoulder covers were the only thing from making me plummet to the ground so I prayed they'd stay strong as the big wyvern carried me somewhere where the glow died down and darkness surrounded us..... Am.... Am I going to be eaten? Is this my end? 

I blinked as I tried to see something but I was completely blind in this darkness, only the sound of flapping wings and chirps of Soren feeling the darkness.

Until finally there was a point of light getting closer and closer and the wyvern burst out into it.

I was blinded by the brightness of the light before I could see again.

I was put down not too gently, it just dropped me, at least it wasn't from too high up.

I looked behind me to see the mountain reaching higher, okay so that means I am not at the top which would make getting down from here be easier.

I looked around to see a small lake in the middle of the plateau we were on, I went to the edge on all fours as Soren walked next to me, peering down at the sheer drop leading into the ocean, a waterfall from the lake.

I looked off to the right and from here I could see a few of my villages houses that were the nearest to the cliff, I am at least a good day away since out island is not the biggest but I have a broken leg.

I heard a huff and looked up at the big black wyvern that brought me hear standing next tome and observing me, I looked over my shoulder to see many other wyverns around.... Why did you bring me here?

I lifted a hand to try to rub its nose again and it let me.

I need to set my leg again.

I crawled to the edge of the little lake, Soren and this black wyvern following me, I was searching for a rock formation I could stick my ankle in so I could pull my body back and make it easier for my to fix my leg.

I hummed, I think I found one good enough a large rock with a break in it.

I shifted myself so I was on my ass and gently lifted the leg onto it, using my hand to push my boot down into the break but not enough to leave me stuck eternally.

I pulled my dagger out and grabbed it between my teeth us I undid the leather strap wrapped around my lower leg to hold my pant legs snug and set it next to me before cutting my cloth off right below my knee and making strips out of it.

(her outfit is you forgot)

I took a deep breath and put my other foot against the stone and hands crossed over the break

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I took a deep breath and put my other foot against the stone and hands crossed over the break.

I shoved myself back and pressed down making bit my tongue as I am sure the black wyvern is following me to keep an eye on me and not because it cares I can't make it think I am a danger even if snapping the bone back in place was extremely painful.

I still felt my tongue after it so its good I didn't bite a piece off but blood filled my mouth.

I laid down, arm over my face and breathing in deep through the pain.

Soren curled up next to me and I felt his head rest on my stomach before I felt a shake in the ground and I assumed the black wyvern laid down too.

God I am exhausted.... The sun is setting... I'll think of a way to head home tomorrow.... I think I'll survive tonight.

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