Shochu-Geiko, Kangeiko, and Coyote Creek

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"Today you will all experience Shochu-Geiko," Daniel said we were all slowly melting under a tree, it was so hot out 

"Like the car insurance?" Chris asked and I laughed 

"Shochu-Geiko is a Japanese exercise where you train during the hottest days of the year, it's about pushing yourself to your limit," Daniel told us 

"My limit has been pushed," I said "I won't let anyone hug me and that's a very weird thing for me because I love hugs"

Daniel laughed "the fight isn't always going to come when it's 75 degrees and breezy" 

"Aren't we supposed to avoid fighting?" Sam asked 

"Sometimes you can't someday the fight may come to you and I want to make sure that you are ready so today we are going to see what Miyagi-Do is made of" Daniel made us get into a circle, he gave us numbers and put Robby in the middle 

"Two" Daniel called a number and one of the guys lunged at Robby but he took him down, Robby got in a fighting position "five" he yelled and I went in after Robby I kicked him in the ribs 

"Got you" I laughed 

"Alright Demetri's turn, come on Demetri get in there" Daniel was trying to hype him up "three" Chris ran at Demetri and punched him in the stomach 

"Sorry Demetri you gotta block that," Chris told him

"Six" Demetri's feet were swept and he fell on the ground 

"I hate this" he groaned 

"Alright come on get up" Daniel instructed 

"Can we please take a break" Sam whined "this heat is brutal" 

"You guys want to cool off," Daniel asked 

"YES" I yelled and everyone laughed at the way I bounced happily 

"Alright, I think I can accommodate that" Daniel grinned, something was wrong this was not going to be simple

"This is not what we meant" I shivered thirty minutes later, Daniel had basically thrown us in a giant freezer

"So you couldn't take the heat of Shochu-Geiko perhaps you'll find Kangeiko more to your liking," Daniel said "look it's not about the heat or the cold it's about adapting to the environment around you and using that to your advantage look around what do you see" 

"Freezing cold people" I muttered 

"No, look past that, I see the exhalation of breath the twitch of a muscle the shift of a stance, if you lean into the cold it will heighten your senses, and then you'll anticipate the moment before your opponent strikes and you will always be ready" 

"Alright Aella, start us off" I jumped into the middle of the circle and looked around waiting for someone to lunge at me "seven" I heard Chris's breath quicken and I quickly turned around kicking him backward 

"That's what I'm talking about" Daniel smiled "eight" Robby went to kick me but I blocked him and was able to get rid of all of his punches that were thrown at me, he tried to kick again but I was too fast he swung a fist and I blocked it trapping his arms

It was then that I realized how close together we were, I had the urge to just lean in and kiss him but that would be totally inappropriate 

"Alright, let's get Demetri in there" Daniel laughed 

"Alright here goes nothing" Demetri mumbled as he walked into the circle 

"Five" I lunged at Demetri, I went to punch him but he blocked my first two attempts and punched me in the stomach

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