Moves and Countermoves

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"I can't believe that bitch" Tory scowled at my bedroom wall shaking her head "she shows up at my fucking job, threatens me, and then gets me fired, can you believe that? I needed that job, and I needed that money, but her precious little Sam was too important." 

I was still friends with Sam but in this case, I was going to take Tory's side I mean she really needed that income to help support her brother and her mom. "Jeez, couldn't she have just waited to talk to you someplace else? and how did she know you worked there?"

"Beats me" Tory rolled her eyes "Sam is going to pay for mommy's mistake once the tournament comes round, believe me" 

"Just don't fight dirty, we can't afford to lose points," I told her putting my slippers on "come on, we don't want to be late for practice." Tory hopped off the bed still muttering under her breath and followed me out to the car. We got to the dojo a few minutes late and the cobras were already lined up. 

"Nichols, Stone" Robby snapped "get in line" he nodded his head towards the matt 

"Someone's a little demanding today" I huffed stepping on the mat. I started copying what the rest of the group was doing although it was much easier for me as we were studying Miyagi-do skills. 

"There is a reason Miyagi-do is difficult to learn," Robby said sternly addressing all of the cobras "these blocks are incredibly precise, each one is designed to overcome a specific attack." He walked over to Tory and stopped in front of her "show me wax on wax off" he commanded before throwing two punches at her which she block easily. 

"To simple" she whispered to me with a smirk 

"The more you learn Miyagi-do the tougher you are to defeat" Robby yelled 

"Except for one tiny flaw" we all turned to face Sensei Kreese who seemed to have come out of nowhere "Their entire style is reactive which means all their moves are counter moves, which means that we are in control and we can use that to set traps"

"The best defense is more offense," I said softly, that was something Johnny had told us once. 

Robby turned back to Tory getting into his fighting stance "show me paint the fence" this time it wasn't so easy for her, she blocked the punches but then had her feet swept out from under her 

"Robby" I rolled my eyes at him, I knew he was taunting her, he knew that she didn't like him and he wanted her to know that he was in charge 

"Sorry" Robby grinned "just part of the lesson. The next second he was flat on his back and Tory was on top getting ready to punch him 

"Enough!" Kreese yelled, "Nichols in my office, Aella take over the lesson." Tory gave him a withering look before following Kreese 

I helped Robby up before continuing where he left off. "Kreese is right, we move and Miyagi-do counter moves, that's all it is, moves and counter moves" I walked up and down the rows inspecting how everyone moved their arms "this means that we can easily beat Miyagi-do with sneaky, uncalculated moves."

"Uncalculated moves aren't always safe" Kyler spoke up "what if we mess them up"

"That's why we train," I said, "we learn sneaky but legal moves that the Miyagi-Do's won't think of, believe me, they don't think of everything and now that the old cobras are with them they are a little preoccupied trying to get their dojo not to kill each other." The cobras chuckled "right now the Miyagi's are at their weakest, they are like a ticking time bomb, eventually they will blow up and self destruct" 

"And what if they don't?" Robby interrupted "what if they become stronger" 

I laughed a little "I know Hawk, and I know Chris, there is no way that there aren't going to be problems. All we have to do is wait for them to turn on each other, then we can do the rest." I looked around at the cobras who seemed tired "alright everyone take 10." we had an extra long practice today so I gave them longer.

"What's up with Tory," Robby asked me as we walked into the back room together "I know she's feisty but she seemed more winded up today"

"Amanda Larusso got her fired today," I told him "it was half of her income, she will need to find another job soon so she can take care of her family, you know her mom-"

"Aella" Robby stopped me and looked at me seriously "what are you doing here?"

I laughed nervously, "what do you mean? I'm getting water"

"No" he shook his head "what are you doing in Cobra Kai, I've heard them talking, they don't trust you, they think you're spying for the Miyagi-Do's. 

"Why would I do that?" I asked, "Give them tips on the Miyagi's just to betray them?"

"Hawk," Robby said and I groaned 

"You know that I'm indifferent-"

"They don't know that" he snapped, "they think you still love him and they want you to prove yourself." 

"That's ridiculous" I spat "how am I to prove myself"

"Cut them off," Tory's voice said from behind me "block every single Miyagi-Do from your life, maybe then they'll believe you"

"I don't even talk to them" I insisted 

"Oh please" Tory laughed "Kyler and Sam live in the same neighborhood, he saw you going to her house with Hawk and Miguel, don't lie" 

"I've been friends with them since I moved here," I told Robby and Tory, it's not that simple 

"It is actually," Kyler said stepping into the room, I've known Sam since forever yet it was easy to turn on her." 

"You wouldn't want them to turn on you now would you," Tory said softly in my ear as she pointed to the cobras sitting on the matt "I mean now that you've told us all of Miyagi-Do's secrets, you wouldn't be safe with Sam and her little group of misfits" 

"Robby?" I looked at him for help 

"I have no alliance with them at all" he spat "in this case, I agree with Tory, we will always protect you but what do you think they are going to do when they find out that you gave away all of their secrets, I'm sure Hawk won't be understanding, remember that time when he got so angry he hit you?" 

"Your family is here now Aella," Tory said, "you can't have both, so pick the stronger side, you know which one that is."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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